10 Best Hamstring Stretches For Before & After Workouts

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Unfortunately, tight hamstrings are becoming all too prevalent for many of us as desk jobs and the desire to binge-watch Netflix result in more sitting and less activity day-to-day.
In addition to prolonged sitting, poor posture, genetics, and tightness or weakness in surrounding muscles can all cause tight hamstrings, which not only makes you feel uncomfortable but can potentially lead to injury.
But you’re in luck, as there's a remedy for tight hammies. The cure? Stretching! No matter how tight your hamstrings are, there are stretches designed to help alleviate the pain in the back of your thighs. And we're about to discuss them all.
Table of Contents:

What Are Your Hamstrings?
What Surrounding Muscles Contribute to Tight Hamstrings?
10 Best Stretches For Hamstrings
How To Tell If Your Hamstrings Are Tight
Benefits of Hamstring Stretching Exercises
Programming Hamstring Stretches

What Are Your Hamstrings?
Located on the back of your thigh, the hamstrings muscle groups look like three guitar strings that connect your hip to the knee. You'll find these muscles hard at work in all of these leg curl alternate exercises, as they work together to extend your hip, flex and straighten your knee, and rotate your lower leg.
Here's a look at each hamstring muscle:

Biceps Femoris: The biceps femoris has a long and short head. The long head originates at the bottom of the pelvis, while the short head originates on the side of the femur. They both insert into the head of the fibula, a lower leg bone. The bicep femoris is responsible for knee flexion and rotation, and the long head also assists with hip extension due to its attachment at the hip.

Semitendinosus: This muscle is in the center of the back of your thigh. It originates on the pelvis and attaches to the tibia (the shin bone) and is responsible for knee flexion and hip extension. It also works with the popliteus muscle to assist with rotating your leg internally. This muscle covers the semimembranosus.

Semimembranosus: This flat and broad muscle is located underneath the semitendinosus. It is on the innermost part of your thigh, originates at the bottom of your pelvis, and runs down the back of your leg to insert into the tibia. Its job is to flex the knee, and it also helps rotate the leg inward when the knee is partly flexed and rotates the leg out when the hips are extended.

What Surrounding Muscles Contribute to Tight Hamstrings?
Tight hamstrings may also be caused by surrounding muscle imbalances, or cause other muscles to become tight. Other potentially impacted muscles include:

Erector Spinae: Tight hamstrings due to excessive sitting begin to pull on the pelvis and can lead to a posterior pelvic tilt. When this occurs, the erector spinae may become weak.

Abdominal Muscles: Tight abdominal muscles can also contribute to posterior pelvic tilt. The abs must be lengthened to support correct spinal alignment and the erector spinae.

Glutes: Weak, inactive glutes will cause the hamstrings to pick up too much slack during all of your movements. Weak glutes also cause your body to perform movements with your back instead of your hips, resulting in tight hamstrings.

Hip Flexors: If you sit a lot, your hip flexors begin to contract, shorten, and tighten up. Your brain begins to tell the muscles that do the opposite motion, which are the glutes, to turn off, also leading to tight hamstrings.

10 Best Hamstring Stretches
Now that we know what muscles we need to stretch, let's get right into how to stretch hamstrings! These 10 best hamstring stretching exercises will have you feeling loose and limber.
1. Standing hamstring stretch:

One of our favorite stretches for tight hamstrings, the standing hamstring stretch can be modified for all levels. If you cannot go very far into the stretch, set up a bench or box to reach and hold onto to feel the stretch.
If you are more advanced, try to place your hands flat on the floor or behind your heels.
How to do the Standing Hamstring Stretch:

Start standing hip-width apart and keeping your back flat, hinge forward as your hips push back.
Slide your hands down your thighs and shins.
Once you are at a point where you can feel a mild stretch, hold it for 15-30 seconds before slowly coming back up.

2. Lying hamstring stretch:

This beginner stretch will do your hammies wonders. If you need a modification, try bending your opposite leg while keeping your foot flat on the floor.
This exercise will feel amazing after performing these dumbbell hamstring exercises!
How to do the Lying Hamstring Stretch:

Lying flat on the floor, start with one leg straight on the floor and the other raised and bent at the knee.
Pull your knee into your chest, reaching your arms around the back of your upper leg to pull it in closer. If that’s difficult enough, hold there and pull your leg closer as you exhale.
When you’re ready to deepen your stretch, straighten your raised leg, gently pulling it closer to your chest.

3. Wall hamstring stretch:

This is a more advanced stretch, as it's tough to hold this position if you don't have a certain amount of flexibility. If you're finding your flexibility is hindering this stretch, first start with your legs straight up. This provides a gentler option.
How to do the Wall Hamstring Stretch:

Set your butt against a wall and straighten your legs while lying flat on your back.
Keep your low back on the floor, slowly letting your legs fall to each side as much as possible, and hold there.
It’s ok if your legs cannot straighten all the way. Try to scoot your butt closer over time.

4. Towel Hamstring stretch:

For this take on the wall hamstring stretch, a towel helps keep your leg straight and the hamstrings in the fully lengthened position.
In addition, the towel around your foot will help you keep your foot flexed, causing you to feel the entire chain of your leg working together during the stretch.
Make your hammies happy by including this stretch after a routine that has Nordic hamstring curls. You'll appreciate the post-workout lengthening.
How to do the Towel Hamstring Stretch:

Place your butt against the wall, and loop a towel or resistance band around the bottom of your left foot. Hold one end of each towel or band in each hand.
Take your left leg and straighten it on the wall, while lying flat on your back. If flexibility allows, place your right leg out to your right side, on the floor. Try to straighten it, but if that's uncomfortable, you can bend your knee. You can also put both legs up on the wall, stretching them one at a time with the towel.
Keep your low back on the floor. Gently pull the towel or band toward you to help deepen your stretch.

5. Standing Resistance Band hamstring stretch:

Just as we should identify and work on muscle imbalances in our training routine, we should do the same thing when stretching. This standing variation is excellent for isolating one hamstring muscle at a time while also providing the calf with a much-needed stretch.
Start with a lighter band to assess your tolerance, and keep your back flat as you hinge forward. Remember, you can pull on the band as much or as little as you need to. It's important to start at your level to avoid injury.
How to do the Standing Hamstring Stretch:

In a standing position, loop a resistance band around the bottom of one foot, holding an end of the band in each hand.
Bend over slightly, keeping the back straight, and gently pull the top of the foot off the floor by pulling upward on the ends of the band. The heel should remain on the floor.
Hold here before gently lowering down.

6. Single straight leg stretch:

You are likely going to need to be able to do several of the other stretches before you attempt this one, as it’s a little more advanced.
Focus on grabbing your calves to keep the leg pulled into your chest while keeping the other leg off the floor. This pilates movement is a great core exercise while simultaneously working to stretch your hamstrings.
How to do the Single Straight Leg Stretch:

Lay on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.
Raise one leg up, keeping it straight. Lift your head, neck, and upper back off the floor, reaching your arms toward your extended leg.
Wrap your hands behind your calf, bringing your upper body closer to your lower body. Hold before lowering down.
Repeat on the opposite side.

7. Supine (Lying) Hamstring Stretch:

This is a progression of the lying hamstring stretch we featured at the beginning of this list. If you have tight hamstrings, don't move on to this one until you've first mastered the bent-knee version.
How to do the Supine Hamstring Stretch:

Raise your leg straight toward the ceiling while grabbing behind your thigh to pull your leg into your chest. Keep your other leg straight on the floor.
Gently pull your straight leg toward your head, stopping when you can feel the stretch. Hold for 15-30 seconds before gently lowering down.

8. Seated Hamstring Stretch:

This is a simple seated-on-the-floor option for stretching the hamstring. If you're finding that bending your leg in this position is challenging, try foam rolling the glutes and hip flexors first to see if it helps relax them.
How to do the Seated Hamstring Stretch:

Straighten your right leg in front of you, bending your left knee and placing your left foot against your opposite inner thigh. You don’t need to reach and grab your foot if you cannot quite get there yet.
Hinge your upper body forward, ensuring your back is flat until you feel a gentle stretch.
If your flexibility allows, reach one or two hands around the back of your foot. Hold, and then switch sides.

9. Standing hamstring kickstand stretch:

The hamstring kickstand stretch is great for getting a deep hamstring stretch following a tough leg workout.
If you need extra support while shifting your hips, try performing this exercise with your hands resting on a desk or table, rather than your leg.
How to do the Standing Hamstring Kickstand Stretch:

Take a step out with your right leg, keeping your leg straight.
Bend the opposite knee, hinge forward with a flat back, and place your hands on your right thigh or lower on your leg if you have the range of motion.
Hold here. Try to move your head closer to your shin.

10. Hamstring & Hip extension stretch:

Another more advanced exercise, the hip extension stretch works wonders for stretching the hamstring and glutes, all while activating your core.
As a bonus, it also serves as a glute activation exercise! Multi-tasking at its finest.
How to do the Hamstring & Hip Extension Stretch:

Start in a high plank position.
Slowly lift one leg into the air, keeping it straight the entire time. Get your leg as high as you're able, without moving your back, and hold here. Focus on elongating your raised leg, feeling the stretch in the back of your leg.
Engage your core as you drive your heel back toward the ceiling.

How To Tell If Your Hamstrings Are Tight
The simple bend over and touch your toes test is an easy way to test hamstring tightness. Keep an eye on how far you can go in this movement. If you can’t get anywhere close to your toes or are unable to keep your legs straight, your hamstrings are tight.
You can also keep an eye out for cramping, pain on the back of your thigh, bruising, or any other pain that might pop up in that area.
How To Relieve Tight Hamstrings
Stretching is, of course, a great way to relieve tight hamstrings. But it may take more than this to help lengthen them.
If you are noticing improvement with specific methods or stretches, keep at those. If you have been stretching without improvement, you may need to strengthen or stretch some of the surrounding areas as well.
This will take some trial and error on your part, as there is no one size fits all approach.

Foam Rolling: Performing foam roller exercises on the hamstrings, glutes, quads, and hip flexors can help relax any areas that are chronically tight and shortened. If you have any knee pain, you may find that foam rolling these muscles helps alleviate it. Aim for around ten rolls per muscle and if you find any unusually tight spots, give them some extra love. If the muscle is so tight that you can’t even roll it, lay on the foam roller and take ten deep breaths to relax the knotted-up tight muscle.

Massage: Whether you are using a trigger point release with a lacrosse ball, muscle scraper, tennis ball, Thera cane, or are getting a professional massage, this can be a great way to relieve the tightness in the hamstrings. Not only will it help stimulate blood flow to the area, but it never hurts to see a professional who can further help reduce symptoms of tightness.

Stretches: Lengthening shortened muscles is extremely important if you want relief. When determining how to stretch your hamstrings, don’t push too hard, and start with whatever range of motion you can handle. Any of the exercises featured in this list are good hamstring stretches and will help alleviate tightness.

Strengthening Exercises: In particular, strengthen and activate your glutes. Remember, shortened muscles can actually be a sign of muscle weakness. Get your glutes firing with these glute activation exercises, followed by a few challenging dumbbell glute exercises. Hello, happy hamstrings!

Benefits of Hamstring Stretches
There are plenty of reasons to start stretching your hamstrings. On top of these, stretching also just makes you feel really good. No one wants to walk around feeling tight all day!

Improves flexibility and overall mobility
Helps prevent injury
Improves low back pain
Helps with muscle imbalances
Decreases delayed onset muscle soreness
Improves your posture

Programming Hamstring Stretches
When incorporating these into your workout split, try some dynamic stretches before your workout and on lower body days, add an extra 5-10 minutes post-workout for static stretches. Your best option is to do 1-2 stretches several times throughout the day.
Remember not to stretch too far or too fast. You want to stretch until you feel a mild stretch in the hamstrings and then hold for 15-30 seconds. Try to go slightly further into the stretch each time you perform it. Stretching is a cumulative effect that increases over time. Consistency is key.
For best results, utilize different stretching strategies before and after workouts. Here are our suggested routines to get you started:
Pre-Workout Stretching:
Start by foam rolling your glutes, quads, hip flexors, and hamstrings. From here, move into a series of dynamic warm-up stretches.
When performing dynamic hamstring stretches, try 1-2 sets of 6-8 reps of exercises like inchworms, butt kicks, or single-leg airplanes. These dynamic movements help warm the hamstring for movement and don’t relax them like static stretches will.
You can try any of our stretches from the list we just went over, but instead of holding the stretch, treat them as dynamic reps where you try to go even a few centimeters farther on each one to help prepare the hamstrings for the movements ahead.
Post-Workout Stretching:
You'll focus on static stretching after working out. Pick 3-4 exercises from the above list that you feel confident about. Perform 3-4 sets, holding each for 15-30 seconds.
Remember, for each set you should aim to move into it a bit farther, but don't overdo it. Now that your workout is over and your muscles don’t need to be primed to move, these stretches should be used as a way to relax and lengthen your muscles without injuring yourself.
Lingering questions regarding hamstring tightness and stretching? Let's answer them!
What causes tight hamstrings?
Posture, muscle imbalances, and a lack of stretching can all cause tight hamstrings.
How long does it take to loosen tight hamstrings?
It depends on how tight they are and how much you’ve been training, but being consistent can produce results in as little as one month.
Why are hamstrings so painful to stretch?
When stretching your hamstrings is extra painful, there is often a neurological aspect at play. Your brain tells your body it’s unsafe to perform that movement, so it locks up the hamstrings and low back as a way to protect itself. Stay consistent with gentle stretching, and your muscles will slowly loosen up over time.
How do I quickly loosen my hamstrings?
Perform 2-3 sets of 15-30 second holds, focusing on deep breathing, and trying to relax the muscle.
What is the best stretch for tight hamstrings?
Whatever progression you can best tolerate at first is the best stretch for you. Make sure to start with a stretch that isn’t painful and is one you can hold at moderate tension for 15-30 seconds.
What is the safest hamstring stretch?
The standing kickstand hamstring stretch is a great starter stretch.

Do you get tight hamstrings from sitting?
Tight hamstrings are often directly caused by sitting, weak glutes, and tight hip flexors. Sitting less, stretching more, and strengthening hip flexors and glutes can help alleviate hamstring tightness.
Strengthening your glutes and hamstrings is just as important as hamstring stretching when it comes to alleviating lower body tightness and weakness. These glute isolation exercises and best hamstring exercises will help correct any muscle imbalances that may exist!

Unfortunately, tight hamstrings are becoming all too prevalent for many of us as desk jobs and the desire to binge-watch Netflix result in more sitting and less activity day-to-day.

In addition to prolonged sitting, poor posture, genetics, and tightness or weakness in surrounding muscles can all cause tight hamstrings, which not only makes you feel uncomfortable but can potentially lead to injury.

But you’re in luck, as there's a remedy for tight hammies. The cure? Stretching! No matter how tight your hamstrings are, there are stretches designed to help alleviate the pain in the back of your thighs. And we're about to discuss them all.

Table of Contents:

  • What Are Your Hamstrings?
  • What Surrounding Muscles Contribute to Tight Hamstrings?
  • 10 Best Stretches For Hamstrings
  • How To Tell If Your Hamstrings Are Tight
  • Benefits of Hamstring Stretching Exercises
  • Programming Hamstring Stretches
  • FAQs

What Are Your Hamstrings?
Located on the back of your thigh, the hamstrings muscle groups look like three guitar strings that connect your hip to the knee. You'll find these muscles hard at work in all of these leg curl alternate exercises, as they work together to extend your hip, flex and straighten your knee, and rotate your lower leg.

Here's a look at each hamstring muscle:

  • Biceps Femoris: The biceps femoris has a long and short head. The long head originates at the bottom of the pelvis, while the short head originates on the side of the femur. They both insert into the head of the fibula, a lower leg bone. The bicep femoris is responsible for knee flexion and rotation, and the long head also assists with hip extension due to its attachment at the hip.

  • Semitendinosus: This muscle is in the center of the back of your thigh. It originates on the pelvis and attaches to the tibia (the shin bone) and is responsible for knee flexion and hip extension. It also works with the popliteus muscle to assist with rotating your leg internally. This muscle covers the semimembranosus.

  • Semimembranosus: This flat and broad muscle is located underneath the semitendinosus. It is on the innermost part of your thigh, originates at the bottom of your pelvis, and runs down the back of your leg to insert into the tibia. Its job is to flex the knee, and it also helps rotate the leg inward when the knee is partly flexed and rotates the leg out when the hips are extended.

What Surrounding Muscles Contribute to Tight Hamstrings?
Tight hamstrings may also be caused by surrounding muscle imbalances, or cause other muscles to become tight. Other potentially impacted muscles include:

  • Erector Spinae: Tight hamstrings due to excessive sitting begin to pull on the pelvis and can lead to a posterior pelvic tilt. When this occurs, the erector spinae may become weak.

  • Abdominal Muscles: Tight abdominal muscles can also contribute to posterior pelvic tilt. The abs must be lengthened to support correct spinal alignment and the erector spinae.

  • Glutes: Weak, inactive glutes will cause the hamstrings to pick up too much slack during all of your movements. Weak glutes also cause your body to perform movements with your back instead of your hips, resulting in tight hamstrings.

  • Hip Flexors: If you sit a lot, your hip flexors begin to contract, shorten, and tighten up. Your brain begins to tell the muscles that do the opposite motion, which are the glutes, to turn off, also leading to tight hamstrings.

10 Best Hamstring Stretches
Now that we know what muscles we need to stretch, let's get right into how to stretch hamstrings! These 10 best hamstring stretching exercises will have you feeling loose and limber.

1. Standing hamstring stretch:

One of our favorite stretches for tight hamstrings, the standing hamstring stretch can be modified for all levels. If you cannot go very far into the stretch, set up a bench or box to reach and hold onto to feel the stretch.

If you are more advanced, try to place your hands flat on the floor or behind your heels.

How to do the Standing Hamstring Stretch:

  • Start standing hip-width apart and keeping your back flat, hinge forward as your hips push back.
  • Slide your hands down your thighs and shins.
  • Once you are at a point where you can feel a mild stretch, hold it for 15-30 seconds before slowly coming back up.
2. Lying hamstring stretch:

This beginner stretch will do your hammies wonders. If you need a modification, try bending your opposite leg while keeping your foot flat on the floor.

This exercise will feel amazing after performing these dumbbell hamstring exercises!

How to do the Lying Hamstring Stretch:

  • Lying flat on the floor, start with one leg straight on the floor and the other raised and bent at the knee.
  • Pull your knee into your chest, reaching your arms around the back of your upper leg to pull it in closer. If that’s difficult enough, hold there and pull your leg closer as you exhale.
  • When you’re ready to deepen your stretch, straighten your raised leg, gently pulling it closer to your chest.
3. Wall hamstring stretch:

This is a more advanced stretch, as it's tough to hold this position if you don't have a certain amount of flexibility. If you're finding your flexibility is hindering this stretch, first start with your legs straight up. This provides a gentler option.

How to do the Wall Hamstring Stretch:

  • Set your butt against a wall and straighten your legs while lying flat on your back.
  • Keep your low back on the floor, slowly letting your legs fall to each side as much as possible, and hold there.
  • It’s ok if your legs cannot straighten all the way. Try to scoot your butt closer over time.
4. Towel Hamstring stretch:

For this take on the wall hamstring stretch, a towel helps keep your leg straight and the hamstrings in the fully lengthened position.

In addition, the towel around your foot will help you keep your foot flexed, causing you to feel the entire chain of your leg working together during the stretch.

Make your hammies happy by including this stretch after a routine that has Nordic hamstring curls. You'll appreciate the post-workout lengthening.

How to do the Towel Hamstring Stretch:

  • Place your butt against the wall, and loop a towel or resistance band around the bottom of your left foot. Hold one end of each towel or band in each hand.
  • Take your left leg and straighten it on the wall, while lying flat on your back. If flexibility allows, place your right leg out to your right side, on the floor. Try to straighten it, but if that's uncomfortable, you can bend your knee. You can also put both legs up on the wall, stretching them one at a time with the towel.
  • Keep your low back on the floor. Gently pull the towel or band toward you to help deepen your stretch.
5. Standing Resistance Band hamstring stretch:

Just as we should identify and work on muscle imbalances in our training routine, we should do the same thing when stretching. This standing variation is excellent for isolating one hamstring muscle at a time while also providing the calf with a much-needed stretch.

Start with a lighter band to assess your tolerance, and keep your back flat as you hinge forward. Remember, you can pull on the band as much or as little as you need to. It's important to start at your level to avoid injury.

How to do the Standing Hamstring Stretch:

  • In a standing position, loop a resistance band around the bottom of one foot, holding an end of the band in each hand.
  • Bend over slightly, keeping the back straight, and gently pull the top of the foot off the floor by pulling upward on the ends of the band. The heel should remain on the floor.
  • Hold here before gently lowering down.
6. Single straight leg stretch:

You are likely going to need to be able to do several of the other stretches before you attempt this one, as it’s a little more advanced.

Focus on grabbing your calves to keep the leg pulled into your chest while keeping the other leg off the floor. This pilates movement is a great core exercise while simultaneously working to stretch your hamstrings.

How to do the Single Straight Leg Stretch:

  • Lay on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Raise one leg up, keeping it straight. Lift your head, neck, and upper back off the floor, reaching your arms toward your extended leg.
  • Wrap your hands behind your calf, bringing your upper body closer to your lower body. Hold before lowering down.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.
7. Supine (Lying) Hamstring Stretch:

This is a progression of the lying hamstring stretch we featured at the beginning of this list. If you have tight hamstrings, don't move on to this one until you've first mastered the bent-knee version.

How to do the Supine Hamstring Stretch:

  • Raise your leg straight toward the ceiling while grabbing behind your thigh to pull your leg into your chest. Keep your other leg straight on the floor.
  • Gently pull your straight leg toward your head, stopping when you can feel the stretch. Hold for 15-30 seconds before gently lowering down.
8. Seated Hamstring Stretch:

This is a simple seated-on-the-floor option for stretching the hamstring. If you're finding that bending your leg in this position is challenging, try foam rolling the glutes and hip flexors first to see if it helps relax them.

How to do the Seated Hamstring Stretch:

  • Straighten your right leg in front of you, bending your left knee and placing your left foot against your opposite inner thigh. You don’t need to reach and grab your foot if you cannot quite get there yet.
  • Hinge your upper body forward, ensuring your back is flat until you feel a gentle stretch.
  • If your flexibility allows, reach one or two hands around the back of your foot. Hold, and then switch sides.
9. Standing hamstring kickstand stretch:

The hamstring kickstand stretch is great for getting a deep hamstring stretch following a tough leg workout.

If you need extra support while shifting your hips, try performing this exercise with your hands resting on a desk or table, rather than your leg.

How to do the Standing Hamstring Kickstand Stretch:

  • Take a step out with your right leg, keeping your leg straight.
  • Bend the opposite knee, hinge forward with a flat back, and place your hands on your right thigh or lower on your leg if you have the range of motion.
  • Hold here. Try to move your head closer to your shin.
10. Hamstring & Hip extension stretch:

Another more advanced exercise, the hip extension stretch works wonders for stretching the hamstring and glutes, all while activating your core.

As a bonus, it also serves as a glute activation exercise! Multi-tasking at its finest.

How to do the Hamstring & Hip Extension Stretch:

  • Start in a high plank position.
  • Slowly lift one leg into the air, keeping it straight the entire time. Get your leg as high as you're able, without moving your back, and hold here. Focus on elongating your raised leg, feeling the stretch in the back of your leg.
  • Engage your core as you drive your heel back toward the ceiling.
How To Tell If Your Hamstrings Are Tight
The simple bend over and touch your toes test is an easy way to test hamstring tightness. Keep an eye on how far you can go in this movement. If you can’t get anywhere close to your toes or are unable to keep your legs straight, your hamstrings are tight.

You can also keep an eye out for cramping, pain on the back of your thigh, bruising, or any other pain that might pop up in that area.

How To Relieve Tight Hamstrings
Stretching is, of course, a great way to relieve tight hamstrings. But it may take more than this to help lengthen them.

If you are noticing improvement with specific methods or stretches, keep at those. If you have been stretching without improvement, you may need to strengthen or stretch some of the surrounding areas as well.

This will take some trial and error on your part, as there is no one size fits all approach.

  • Foam Rolling: Performing foam roller exercises on the hamstrings, glutes, quads, and hip flexors can help relax any areas that are chronically tight and shortened. If you have any knee pain, you may find that foam rolling these muscles helps alleviate it. Aim for around ten rolls per muscle and if you find any unusually tight spots, give them some extra love. If the muscle is so tight that you can’t even roll it, lay on the foam roller and take ten deep breaths to relax the knotted-up tight muscle.

  • Massage: Whether you are using a trigger point release with a lacrosse ball, muscle scraper, tennis ball, Thera cane, or are getting a professional massage, this can be a great way to relieve the tightness in the hamstrings. Not only will it help stimulate blood flow to the area, but it never hurts to see a professional who can further help reduce symptoms of tightness.

  • Stretches: Lengthening shortened muscles is extremely important if you want relief. When determining how to stretch your hamstrings, don’t push too hard, and start with whatever range of motion you can handle. Any of the exercises featured in this list are good hamstring stretches and will help alleviate tightness.

  • Strengthening Exercises: In particular, strengthen and activate your glutes. Remember, shortened muscles can actually be a sign of muscle weakness. Get your glutes firing with these glute activation exercises, followed by a few challenging dumbbell glute exercises. Hello, happy hamstrings!
Benefits of Hamstring Stretches
There are plenty of reasons to start stretching your hamstrings. On top of these, stretching also just makes you feel really good. No one wants to walk around feeling tight all day!

  • Improves flexibility and overall mobility
  • Helps prevent injury
  • Improves low back pain
  • Helps with muscle imbalances
  • Decreases delayed onset muscle soreness
  • Improves your posture

Programming Hamstring Stretches
When incorporating these into your workout split, try some dynamic stretches before your workout and on lower body days, add an extra 5-10 minutes post-workout for static stretches. Your best option is to do 1-2 stretches several times throughout the day.

Remember not to stretch too far or too fast. You want to stretch until you feel a mild stretch in the hamstrings and then hold for 15-30 seconds. Try to go slightly further into the stretch each time you perform it. Stretching is a cumulative effect that increases over time. Consistency is key.

For best results, utilize different stretching strategies before and after workouts. Here are our suggested routines to get you started:

Pre-Workout Stretching:
Start by foam rolling your glutes, quads, hip flexors, and hamstrings. From here, move into a series of dynamic warm-up stretches.

When performing dynamic hamstring stretches, try 1-2 sets of 6-8 reps of exercises like inchworms, butt kicks, or single-leg airplanes. These dynamic movements help warm the hamstring for movement and don’t relax them like static stretches will.

You can try any of our stretches from the list we just went over, but instead of holding the stretch, treat them as dynamic reps where you try to go even a few centimeters farther on each one to help prepare the hamstrings for the movements ahead.

Post-Workout Stretching:
You'll focus on static stretching after working out. Pick 3-4 exercises from the above list that you feel confident about. Perform 3-4 sets, holding each for 15-30 seconds.

Remember, for each set you should aim to move into it a bit farther, but don't overdo it. Now that your workout is over and your muscles don’t need to be primed to move, these stretches should be used as a way to relax and lengthen your muscles without injuring yourself.

Lingering questions regarding hamstring tightness and stretching? Let's answer them!

What causes tight hamstrings?
Posture, muscle imbalances, and a lack of stretching can all cause tight hamstrings.

How long does it take to loosen tight hamstrings?
It depends on how tight they are and how much you’ve been training, but being consistent can produce results in as little as one month.

Why are hamstrings so painful to stretch?
When stretching your hamstrings is extra painful, there is often a neurological aspect at play. Your brain tells your body it’s unsafe to perform that movement, so it locks up the hamstrings and low back as a way to protect itself. Stay consistent with gentle stretching, and your muscles will slowly loosen up over time.

How do I quickly loosen my hamstrings?
Perform 2-3 sets of 15-30 second holds, focusing on deep breathing, and trying to relax the muscle.

What is the best stretch for tight hamstrings?
Whatever progression you can best tolerate at first is the best stretch for you. Make sure to start with a stretch that isn’t painful and is one you can hold at moderate tension for 15-30 seconds.

What is the safest hamstring stretch?
The standing kickstand hamstring stretch is a great starter stretch.

Do you get tight hamstrings from sitting?
Tight hamstrings are often directly caused by sitting, weak glutes, and tight hip flexors. Sitting less, stretching more, and strengthening hip flexors and glutes can help alleviate hamstring tightness.

Strengthening your glutes and hamstrings is just as important as hamstring stretching when it comes to alleviating lower body tightness and weakness. These glute isolation exercises and best hamstring exercises will help correct any muscle imbalances that may exist!

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