Work Hamstrings first for bigger Quads


Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
The hamstrings are big knee stabilizers that don't get enough credit since it's the quads that are directly attached to the kneecap, not the hammies. We're constantly thinking about the muscles on the front of the thigh and don't realize that healthy and strong antagonists can create more range of motion, more stability, and make the reps you do of a given compound exercise much smoother.
Whether you're injured or not, breaking the rules and putting squats second in line after hamstring curls, reverse hypers, or horizontal back extensions can do your lower body good. You don't have to go heavy. The goal is to get plenty of blood flow back there, so chasing a pump via higher reps and moderate-to-low weight would be smart. John Meadows talks about pre-exhausting hams before squatting for the same reasons: sturdier bottom positions for the squat and a welcome change to quad dominance.
In the D.C. Training method, this is exactly why hams are sequenced before quads in that workout.
I've been doing my hams on a different day than my quads, but I might start to incorporate them on the same day to see what happens.