
Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
There are three types of stretches:
1. PNF stretching involves stretching to a point, then flexing the muscle before relaxing into a deeper stretch.
2. Dynamic stretching (DS) involves moving into a stretch and back out of a stretch in a controlled manor.
3. Static stretching (SS) is moving into a stretch and holding it for 15-30 seconds.
A review of literature in 2015 found that stretching in any of these three ways can help performance and reduce injury risk in healthy and active individuals.
The study found that neural adaptations from stretching of each kind lead to improved flexibility. Using one of these forms of stretching to warm up, and cool down is recommended for reducing muscle injuries and increasing joint range of motion.
Generally, DS to warm up, SS to cool down and PNF on days off to really push.
Importantly, stretching has shown no negative effects on performance, so why not? Give it a try." By:

Source: Behm et al 2015. Acute effects of muscle stretching on physical performance, range of motion, and injury incidence in healthy active individuals: a systematic review. Applied physiology, nutrition, and metabolism, 41(1), pp.1-11
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always stretch after workout, didn't know they had different names, but i know i've been doing ss.
don't really like stretching before workout, but maybe i should start, and see how it affects me.
just from my own experience, if i don't stretch after, i pay for it.
I have to really stretch and warm up my shoulders due to years of use and abuse. If I am in a hurry and don't, I can always tell a big difference afterwards.