The Athlete's Friend, Eggs: Best Buying Practices

Breaking Muscle

Board Certified Weight Training Coach

Fun fact in case you missed it—the only difference between brown and white eggs are that brown eggs come from chickens with brown feathers and white eggs come from chickens with white feathers.

Egg shopping used to be simple—white eggs or brown eggs. End of story.

(To which the answer was a no-brainer for yolk-lovers. We always flock to brown eggs because their yolks just always seem a bit richer, don’t they?)

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Anyone ever do raw eggs? I recently posted a video of Arnold making protein shakes and he included raw eggs, even the shells. And of course we all remember Rocky waking up and drinking a half dozen raw eggs.

I was always afraid of salmonella poisoning, but I was just reading that it is actually much less common these days due to the way eggs are processed.

I still don't know if I'll try raw eggs...but maybe...