
Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
📚 Glute exercise are important for hip mobility and stability, such as at the top of a squat, deadlift or a single leg stiff leg deadlift you need to be able to drive with the glutes to maintain neutral spine. The main actions for this series are hip extension, which is extending the lower limb back at the hip joint. Hip abduction is moving the leg out to the side at the hip joint. One variation is a combination of hip extension and abduction.
✅ You will need a loop band and resistance band to perform the exercises in this series.
🔘Resistance Band Donkey Kickbacks- Start off with your hands on the bench holding a resistance band in your hands. The band should be places in the middle of your foot with the ankle in neutral position through the motion. You want to extend at the knee joint while keeping the spine in neutral position. Utilize a isometric hold at the end to focus on hip extension.
🔘Resistance Band Fire Hydrant- This exercise requires a loop resistance band wrapped above your knees while in Quadruped position (on hands and knees). Shoulder joint should be above hand placement and the hip joint should be above knees. At the hip joint you want to bring the leg out to the side without twisting at the torso or shifting at the hips.
🔘Resistance Band Diagonal Kicks- You want to find a surface to hold onto so you do not over compensate with your lumbar spine. Attach the loop band above the ankle joint. You should slightly lean over on the bench while you extend at the hip at more of a diagonal angle. Hold at the end of the motion for 2 -3 seconds before slowly returning back towards the bench.