
Musclechemistry Board Certified Member
📚You want to start off with feet shoulder width apart as you lean against the wall and slowly lower yourself to about 90° at the knee joint. These exercises for the most part are done with isometric contractions. Which means the muscle doesn’t change length, but still produces tension. This type of contraction produces the second most amount of force within the muscle to eventually lead to microfiber tears.
✅ For this series you will need a medicine ball.
🔘Ball Squeeze Wall Sits- Start off by doing the ball squeezes for short time intervals, rather then holding the contraction for the entire set. This exercise focuses on the hip abductor muscles as well. These are the muscles that help bring the leg toward midline.
🔘Wall Sit -> Press- This variation will challenge you to not use your hands to support some of your body weight on your laps or the wall. Be sure to keep the shoulder blades pinched down and back.
🔘 Single Leg Wall Sits- Start off in a regular wall sit position once you feel comfortable enough lift 1 foot off the ground but be sure that you don’t end up leaning to one side to overcompensate. Start off with a shorter time intervals and slowly increase them because remember it’s quality over quantity.