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The recommended needle sizes for testosterone injections are 23-gauge,1-inch and 25-gauge, 1 inch.

Disclaimer: Above-stating content is provided for informational and educational purposes only. Before starting any type of program or treatment, it is advisable to seek advice from your health professional.

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The recommended needle sizes for testosterone injections are 23-gauge,1-inch and 25-gauge, 1 inch.

Disclaimer: Above-stating content is provided for informational and educational purposes only. Before starting any type of program or treatment, it is advisable to seek advice from your health professional.

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I've always used 23g to draw and to jab. Never even change the pins. Same to do both.

I know the the theory about dulling the pin by drawing but never had an issue. And to me if the pin gets that dull by pushing thru a rubber stopper that you have trouble injecting, than you got bigger issues that pin size.Lol.