Recent content by barbie1132004

  1. B

    new to equipoise

    well i trusted him ive known him for about 3 years and hes works as a PT at my gym so i figured he has some kind of credibility. So what does EQ look like in the syrigne,,,the stuff he gave me kinda looked like piss and burned when it went in
  2. B

    new to equipoise

    you know last night i asked him if he won mr olmpia and he said no that he just competed and earlier i tried to find out if i could get a list of who has competed in mr olmpia but i couldnt find it and from what yall are saying about the EQ it makes me wonder if he is a fake,,and somone asked...
  3. B

    new to equipoise

    that was my mess up he competed for mr olmpia for 2 years and his name is Rusty Scott if anyone knows him.
  4. B

    new to equipoise

    Well i think the whole point in the EQ was to boost my weight lost,,i started out at 240lbs in nov of last year and now im at 180 and kinda stuck there so i was told to take an injection of EQ 300mg once a week as for exercise,,, i walk/jog 3 miles 5days a week and weight train 5 days a week so...
  5. B

    new to equipoise

    so what would yall recommend for loosing body fat and gaining muscle..
  6. B

    new to equipoise

    lol,,well i was told that the EQ was used for burning body fat but from the replys i have been getting that must not be true
  7. B

    new to equipoise

    o-k so now whats CLEN and thermogenics? I do know what winstrol is though so im not completly lost
  8. B

    new to equipoise

    o-k im new at this,, what is a thermo? and i was told that EQ is used for loosing body fat, so what is it really used for and what is the normal dose?
  9. B

    new to equipoise

    I am a 5'3 , 180, 22yr old female whos trying to loose weight and gain muscle. I tried winstrol and had no luck with that. I just started 300 mg of Equipoise a week. This seemed a little high to me but i was assured that it was a "SAFE" dose,, andyone have any input on this? After my first dose...