Recent content by BigPainInAss

  1. B

    weighed in at 224

    4 th show i competed in , first in 5 years . came in first men's heavy , and overall .
  2. B

    jurox suspension

    got some test susspension from over seas . looks like light coffee when mixed , when seperated , test looks biege and liquid looks like dirty water . when i e-mailed the supplier he wrote that it is made different now and that it is real.i'll try to attach some photos . could anyone varify or...
  3. B

    new here

    been training for about 8 years now , and this is the first message board I ever joined . you guys seem to be doing some interesting suff on here , and i think i'd like to try somethings . but that is for another forum. it said in the registry to take some time to introduce myself , so here...