Recent content by bjjfighter101

  1. B

    stronger joints and harder muscles for the fighter

    wow, thanks press, :D definitely check that out instead thanks again
  2. B

    stronger joints and harder muscles for the fighter

    thanks presser, ill check it out...i heard about GLC 2000 so i think i'm going to order some of that since its a lot of glucosamine and other vitamins and minerals
  3. B

    Will IGF-1 help me recover from shoulder surgury?

    where can i get it??? inexpensively
  4. B

    igf-1 lr3 for tendons?

    awesome!! now how can I get it? i have a problem similar to that in my ankle and knee... HELP please
  5. B

    grappler wants stronger joints and injuries to heal quicker

    can anyone help, want something to help my joints, tendons and ligiments to heal stronger and denser...and maybe put on some more muscle
  6. B

    stronger joints and harder muscles for the fighter

    i was curious....what should a fighter (new to supplements and steroid use) take if he wants to gain stronger joints, denser muscles, an increase in tendon strength, speed and stamina, etc? Assuming that fighter is eating right, and does powerful weight training, tons of grappling and boxing...