Recent content by buyb12

  1. buyb12

    Gear on airplanes???

    your safer to put it in your checked bages they aren't going to ask for your perscription ...just tell then your on hormone replacement therapy. Put it with you shavoing......but do not ever take you syringes on your carry on bag you will go to jail.... I know alot about airport security ....It...
  2. buyb12

    b12 question

    I don't know about injurys But it is nessary for tissue growth .....
  3. buyb12

    In Stock Now IGF-1 LONG R 1MG/ML

    really cool stuff ...right on I'm in on that one soon can we get a count on the ml....please
  4. buyb12

    If you could again

    Sorry that cycle is how I'd run now it's what I'm running now....IIII was a little tired when I wrote it. for the first cycle I would have run the test a 600mg 18g that' s rough I had a freind who's girl friend did that to him she didn't change the pin and he almost passed passed`out...
  5. buyb12

    If you could again

    If you could do it over again how would you do you first cycle. I had the diet down I ran my test a little high and the flu cost me. I would run it like this food every 2 hours , 2 gallons of water a day supps would be alkalated creatine , 50 g protein shakes, insulin 10iu first thing in...
  6. buyb12


    great info.........
  7. buyb12

    Gear Box Inc

    I don't know about as good as it gets .....LoL but you can trust these guys good solid service
  8. buyb12

    Mail from Jeff Summers Anobolic Store

    you have to call ......... I wish I had his list........
  9. buyb12

    b12 question

    sale sale...........
  10. buyb12

    ON TO LONG TOO!!!!!

    it's been done while dieting cut estrigen relatad fat
  11. buyb12

    b12 question

    send a blank email to [email protected] and it will send you an email with a link to purchase with a credit card......
  12. buyb12

    Injectible B-12

    to get the appetite increase you need to go farther than RDA....
  13. buyb12

    Losing weight - but losing strength too

    I would go back on the carbs and increase your protein....bigger muscle means more calories burned .......increase water intake and start your eca now..... you want to have the energy to burn the fat....I'm a big fan of low carb dieting and add some cardio.....1 hour every morning...
  14. buyb12

    fitnessgeared ......down

    there's somthing going on I cought something else in the wind that doesn't aply to this but may dray lines ............hope everything is cool......... Nonconsumables is out of town unexpectly .....may explain why this happened........