Recent content by jmacey22

  1. J

    Whats do you think is more effective for cutting?

    Thanks for the advice, i'll try that 4 sets to failure tomorrow. In some of the bb videos i've seen guys do super high rep sets, over 20+. Do you think theres a limit where its no more effective to go as high when u should just be putting on more weight? my guess would be 15, let me know what...
  2. J

    Whats do you think is more effective for cutting?

    What do you guys think is more effective for cutting up; 3 sets of 15 reps or 3 sets of drop sets (8-10 reps then failure with the lower weight) for any particular exercise. Im sure this would depend on which exercise you were doing, but either give me specifics for the exercise or just a...
  3. J

    Spare Trueprotein discount code?

    But sometimes grandmas give u 5$ when u see them, and if u need money for protein...... But really, she's also ur grandma so u should want to see her, but go for 2 birds with 1 stone here. I hope all is OK, best of luck.
  4. J

    Thank God I don't live near this place...

    I understand ur point Glen from the capitalistic view, but then maybe they should have some schools in this country that give out A's for people that admittedly dont want to try as hard as others.
  5. J

    4 Weeks Outs Pics I Took The Lehigh Valley

    F-in awesome bro!! You are very proportional which i think is important. Who was more motivating, Iron Jay or that picture of honest abe lincoln on the chalk board ?
  6. J

    Thank God I don't live near this place...

    I think if you get caught doing a half assed workout at your regular gym then they should downgrade your membership for a week to Planet Pussbag for a punishment!
  7. J

    posted over at intensemuscle and ProMuscle (long but good)

    great post, a lot to learn from that....or atleast to experiment with. thanks kdog
  8. J

    Simple carbs

    Presently for my simple carbs i use dextrose and honey. I just read up on the waxy maize at, sounds like great stuff. Has anyone that tried felt more of a pump in their muscles afterwards?
  9. J

    Simple carbs

    i dont know anything about the waxy maize, is it expensive? simple, complex?
  10. J

    Simple carbs

    how much dextrose do u reccomend?
  11. J

    Question - Estrogen..

    nice Glen, you said a mouthful!
  12. J

    Simple carbs

    Whatsup fellas. I have a question about ur simple carb intake PWO. How many grams do you usually take? Do you change that at all if you're trying to cut up or keep it the same to make sure you raise ur insulin levels? How about the complex carbs PWO, are they the same when u r trying to cut...