Recent content by rifleman

  1. R

    Presser is the man.

    Got my order fucked up years back and he came through... presser is a stand up guy
  2. R

    Wife washed my ipod

    let it dry... I did that before and let it dry for a few days good as new... kinda
  3. R

    Just out of curiousity how many of you drink?

    once in a while... everything in moderation
  4. R

    Introduction - newbie

    lookin thick as hell , good job welcome
  5. R

    New pic

    keep at it man , you will accomplish anything you put your mind to ... I'm not exactly where I want to be but I'm slowly getting there. From 165 lbs sloppy at 16 to 210 cut so far... Want to get up to round 230 ripped
  6. R

    New pic

    Just took a pic in the AM lookin fuckin jacked!
  7. R

    back after a few years

    some new pics I put on a few lbs... both post workout
  8. R

    Is IGF risk free?

    Everything has risks .... its where the benefits out weigh the negatives ..... IGF is def worth it IMO
  9. R

    First Bleeder in awhile

    when I ws i the corps one of the "boot" docs was showing:" us how togive an IV to a dehydrated personell and he hit a big vein the needle and pulled out and the patient squirted lood everywhere... itwas a good laugh ;-)
  10. R

    First Bleeder in awhile

    perfect timing to say the LEAST
  11. R


    Pronouced (core) ... This Ai'nt Sega Gents
  12. R


    Lol Its A Marine Corps Thing.....
  13. R

    Igf- Refigerate or not Refigerate?

    I refridgerated it only because i'm parinoid but I "HEAR" it is not neccesary once its reconstituted, for about 1 year
  14. R


    always rememeber " pain is only weakness leaving the body" hahaha
  15. R


    i heard hornet stings hurtlike a mf