Recent content by yellow snow

  1. yellow snow

    New mask mandates

    Tren and the new mask mandates don’t mix very well. I refuse to wear a mask and people are getting an earful when the “Karen's” open their mouth.:moon: Everyone keep talking about science....the CDC stated that the virus can spread up to 18ft distances then quickly revised it back to 6ft of...
  2. yellow snow

    Bodybuilder And Actor Mike Mitchell Has Died Of A Heart Attack

    What is it about bodybuilding and heart attacks. Why does everyone die so young from heart attacks?
  3. yellow snow

    Post-Workout Anabolic Window: Fact Or Fiction?

    I personally feel that post workout nutrition is BS. I am no genius but logic indicate that peri workout nutrition would be optimal.
  4. yellow snow

    What are the 6 major types of muscles?

    What do you mean by 6 major muscle types? As in type I vs type II? Not following your question.
  5. yellow snow

    How To Use IGF-1 Lr3 In a Cutting Cycle and Bulking Cycle

    I use this in cutting almost exclusively and like it around 40-50/ED.
  6. yellow snow

    Please Welcome Our New Supplement Forum Site Representative - Alex Rogers "Protein Factory" To MuscleChemistry!

    ditch the HGH and go with IGF-1 way more effective for fat loss. I don't like HGH since it grows everything including you organs. I want a skinny waste as possible.
  7. yellow snow

    Hardest Muscles To Build

    One tip on growing calf's is to get them pumped then stretch the hell out of them. It worked for me............then again I do this to all my muscles. I have founf that extreme stretching will give you that crazy look that everyone wants.
  8. yellow snow

    Can Hyperventilating Make You Stronger? What Science Says

    Wim hof he has some great breath work. you can hold your breath for longer if you hyperventilate before attempting. Another body hack,FYI
  9. yellow snow

    Have you been impacted by covid?

    The gym I go to is super dead, but it has been nice for a super setting freak like me...............I feel like an old man since I am wishing for the good old days of 2019. chihuahua sorry to hear about your loses. Death is always like a punch to the gut.........I have dealt with it many...
  10. yellow snow

    Reliable sources with caber??

    caber is a must when using 19 nor especially with tren. It cuts a lot of the sides for me.
  11. yellow snow

    Dbol preworkout only?

    Some guys claim it helps aggression/pumps by taking some selective orals pre workout. I have heard of Dbol, trest (oral ment) and cheque drops (sp?) taken for this purpose. They do nothing for me, but to each his own. Try it and see if it helps, I think some of this is more placebo than real.
  12. yellow snow

    Post Cycle Therapy The perpetual cycle: Is traditional post-cycle therapy a dying breed?

    two points of question: When did Ostarine get deemed non suppressive? I thought that it was suppressive at any normal dose. Where did I miss this? second who is using Follistatin and gaining 5-10lbs?? Can I call BS? If you really gained 5-10lbs, there would be a buzz everywhere on this.
  13. yellow snow

    Steroid Cycle Traditional Anabolic Steroids vs. OTC Designers Steroids

    There are some good designers still out there. Not sure if I agree with everything above, but then again everyones body is different. Epi is not as strong on a mg per mg basis as winny, etc.....
  14. yellow snow

    Injectable Dinabol versus Oral Dibol.

    I guess I have never understood injecting something when I can just take a pill and it does the same thing; people love to complicate things. People swear injectable winny is "much better" than oral. I think it is a placebo effect, but what do I know
  15. yellow snow

    cheap prescription needs

    Yes thanks.