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  1. S

    What Supps for Getting Back Into Lifting?

    Hey guys, longtime lurker, just wanted to know what you guys think about normal supplements (not IGF or gear) for getting back into lifting. While I may hit some IGF in the fall, I wanna go straight natural up through summer. There's so many new supps and old ones are in various forms (creatine...
  2. S

    Favorite supplements

    Hey guys, Longtime lurker (as you can see from my post count and date joined). I've been lifting off and on. I am getting back into lifting seriously again, but there seems to be a plethora of products on the market. It's hard to make heads or tails of it all. I'd start a new topic for this too...
  3. S

    Stay away from Precision Peptides

    Hey, I've been on this board a while, but I almost never post because I mainly read just for everyone's insight. I just wanted to pop in to say if you ever discover something is coming from China do NOT buy it. I live in China and I know how quality control goes here. 2008 melanine in the milk...
  4. S

    Question (nerve damage?)

    Pre-gyno? Is that possible via IGF alone because I am taking NO AAS, nor have I ever used any AAS. My left one is worse than the right, but it is barely noticeable. My right is almost totally normal now. My left is recovering pretty well, but not fully. The injection site to the left (my left)...
  5. S

    Question (nerve damage?)

    I hit my pecs on the outter lower 50mcg each side. My nipples began to hurt and get sensitive and even puff. The next day one is almost totally numb and the other only slightly. I think the acetic acid killed nerves. Also it gives a SLIGHT look of gyno, nothing noticeable unless you really look...
  6. S

    My IGF Log

    I had a SUPERWEAK workout today, but I wasn't planning on having it anyway so no biggie. I think my lack of mental prep did it. I could tell after the first set so I didn't waste my time and I just hit abs, then hit my quads 40/40mcg. First poke into left HURT and I pulled out and even thought...
  7. S

    My IGF Log

    Actually I am going to do my leg workout tomorrow, I think I am able to avoid this other physical activity. I am also trying a new workout which is going to be really intense, so hopefully by next time I do legs I will have put on another 1-2lbs of muscle.
  8. S

    My IGF Log

    Took yesterday off because I couldn't find time to hit up my IGF. So I took today (my normal off day) to hit my delts. They are pretty sore. I was hanging with some friends last night and gotta eat a burger that was about 1 1/4 lb (meat alone - before cooking). I hate room for desert too. I...
  9. S

    My IGF Log

    I need time to recoup, I am a big fan of HIT training, I don't have a ton of time, and I like doing it this way. My workouts look like this... Chest/Back (Sunday-A) DB Flyes DB Press DB Pullovers DB Rows (gonna put back in deadlift once I have straps/griphelp) Arms/Shoulders (Sunday-B) - I...
  10. S

    My IGF Log

    Hit 40/40 on tris... Both are bulging and left one is real sore. They are very tricky to do right, so I can see how people have a hard time and bad experiences with tris.
  11. S

    My IGF Log

    I just had the best chest workout of my life. I did to failure on my first DB press and my second set was the only one I could ever say I gave it over 100% effort. I learned on that set what it means to go to FAILURE. I shot 40mcg IGF-1 in each peck, and I ate a massive amazing protein filled...
  12. S

    My IGF Log

    I don't have enough pins for bi-lat twice a day 6 days a week... so I am thinking of just doing 40/40 mcg bilat 6 days a week, I have enough for that. Today is chest/back workout... It's gonna be amazing.
  13. S

    My IGF Log

    Inner upper glutes AM, outter lower glutes PM. Soreness from legs is wearing off. Glutes and quads looking huge. I can see where my extra weight (which is back to fluxuating) is coming from. I am thinking I am on track for 2-3lbs per week of almost all muscle.. I am hoping for 15 lbs of muscle...
  14. S

    My IGF Log

    Hit outter calves this morning and they are sore. When I pulled out of my right one some DARK red blood came out, a decent amount, but nothing too alarming. Luckily my calf feels sore, meaning the IGF didn't come out :) One crazy thing I noticed is I am at 205 now. Consistently 205lbs. From...
  15. S

    My IGF Log

    Hit the front part of outter quads PWO... wow I might of hit a nerve on the left because I felt like a 'stringy' thing was nicked or something and it was much sorer than the right side. My right side I had to poke twice because first one hurt too much going in lol so I decided to change...
  16. S

    My IGF Log

    On a sidenote I am hitting legs tomorrow and eating a ton of BBQ (protein) so that's got me excited. The amount of belly fat I am NOT gaining and the amount of food I am eating (increased appetite) is crazy. I am getting noticeably bigger and am getting some great naps in. I am not gaining...
  17. S

    My IGF Log

    Today is my off day but yesterday and today when I stretch I can feel some pressure / really dull pain in my sternum. Maybe my ribcage is growing :) Who knows I might end up a greyhound :-P
  18. S

    My IGF Log

    Hit upper inner chest at 9:30PM 20/20. I always manage with ONE aspiration when I pull out and let go that my IGF shoots in or goes somewhere and that injection isn't as sore as the other one where I see it go in. That's just paranoia I guess ;) Anyhow, not as painful; have a pretty sweet pump...
  19. S

    My IGF Log

    I hit lower outside of chest 9:30AM 20/20 and the soreness/dull pain I normally get from injects I feel the most from this one; I am hoping to hit another 20/20 at 9:30PM on the upper inner part.
  20. S

    IGF times 3

    I am going to do twice a day 20/20 in AM then 20/20 in PM. I could do 4 times a day if I don't bilaterally apply twice a day.... That'd be crazy. Every 6 hours... 7am, 1pm, 7pm, 1am. 20mcg every 6 hours... that'd be freaking intense. I think at that point my feet, hands, and organs would start...