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  1. 4play

    Hey dpsquat

    hey bro I've tried sending you Pm's but your box is full. Can you clean it out, so I can reply to your last PM. Thankz
  2. 4play

    ? making my own tabs

    ? making my own tabs Has anyone made their own tabs using the capping machine. I'm thinking about making my own tabs for my cycle, but haven't decided. Probably dbol, drol, winny. I'd like to try and make these 3 to see how they turn out. But I've had good results with Thai Dbol ( the little...
  3. 4play

    bodyfat analyzer Question

    I'm looking into buying a bodyfat caliper. To test my bodyfat with and my brothers and my moms. I'm looking at a couple of different ones. I'm thinking about getting a digital one. And I also seen this one on Can anyone tell me what they think is a good bodyfat caplier, so I know...
  4. 4play

    Hey WeirdAl

    Hey WeirdAl, I liked the link you posted in a thread called "What other websites do you use" One of the links you posted was "why" bfl works: <> Very good site with lots of useful info. I have a question for you do you use the sites BMR info. to figure out your...
  5. 4play

    I'm bak

    A Big Whats up to everyone! I'm bak for good know. I finally got my computer reformatted and everything reinstalled and bak up and running. Feels good to be bak. Im going to start catching up with the post I missed right now.
  6. 4play

    Whats up everybody

    Hey everybody, God it feels good to be bak on my computer again. My computer went has been messing up really bad. I've been getting error messages everytime I try and do something on here. I can't even use explorer to get on here, I'm using Netscape for now. I miss my explore. But I'm going to...
  7. 4play

    ab machines

    Has anyone tried any of these ab machines on the market. I thought about buying one but didnt know what was any good. I do my normal ab training, but want to try one of these out. Either the AB- Swing, AB-Doer, or AB-Scissor. I've done a search for consumer reports on these products, but the...
  8. 4play

    Thought's on Lee Labrada's products

    What's everyone think of Lee Labrada's product's. I eat my last meal with carbs around 8pm since i dont get off work til. 12midnight. I get a brake around 10pm and sometimes get hungrey. Was looking for a good Low carb bar. When I get home I usually take a shower and drink a Pro Complex Shake...
  9. 4play

    can I get some help

    A while bak i told everybody my friend was going bak 2 wwe to do some house shows or dark matches whatever you want to call them. but he's not going bak til the end of Sept. He's been using AS for about a 1 1/2 years. He's next cycle will be a leaning cycle he's only going to run Test Prop...
  10. 4play

    cycle suggestions

    I need a little help with a cycle, it's for a friend, I already have my cycle planned out. He need's to lean up. I told him to just clean up his diet but he wants to add some aas in there to. I told him to use a 40, 40, 20 diet, and explained it to him and how it would work. He has Test Prop...
  11. 4play

    N.C. Roll Call

  12. 4play


    hey everybody, damn its good to be bak again. im glad Finals @college is over. These last 2 weeks have been hell.But im bak with the family on my boards, where i should be.
  13. 4play

    to everyone

    Sorry I have been gone for so long. I checked in during the week to see what had been posted. I started a new job and my days are long now. I go to school(college) from 9am to 2pm, then I have to be @ work @ 3:30pm til 12 midnight... So I'm trying to stay up on whats going on with the board and...
  14. 4play

    Hey board, New cycle coming up and wanted to run it by for some critiquing

    Just to let you know again I was a member of for 1 1/2 years... I'm currently a member @ fitnessgear, conversionboard, AU, and soon Massmonsters. I know some people on here such as Basskiller and Chem and others from other boards I'm a member of. Bass has helped me out quit a...
  15. 4play

    hey everybody

    Sorry I havent been on here in about a week. I have problems 1 after the other. My computer crashed so I haven't been able to get online. I was building another one, had to wait for a mother board and processor to come in. But Now I'm Bak.
  16. 4play

    Saying hey

    Stoping by to say hey. I've been a member on here for a while and have P.M. a few mods. never have posted I think, just doing a lot of reading. Sorry! I'm a member of fitnessgeared, conversionboard, and wannabeafreak and AU. Wannabeafreak was my home for the longest but havent seen them in a...