Search results

  1. J

    Whats do you think is more effective for cutting?

    What do you guys think is more effective for cutting up; 3 sets of 15 reps or 3 sets of drop sets (8-10 reps then failure with the lower weight) for any particular exercise. Im sure this would depend on which exercise you were doing, but either give me specifics for the exercise or just a...
  2. J

    Simple carbs

    Whatsup fellas. I have a question about ur simple carb intake PWO. How many grams do you usually take? Do you change that at all if you're trying to cut up or keep it the same to make sure you raise ur insulin levels? How about the complex carbs PWO, are they the same when u r trying to cut...
  3. J

    IGF timing vs. workout time

    I'm starting my IGF tomorrow, cant wait! Usually, I am up around 7, then work for 3 hours, then go to the gym around 10/11am (i work freelance). A lot of the IGF info i read here has people injecting first thing in the a.m and then in the evening or before bed, but most of these workouts are...
  4. J

    IGF measurement q

    I start my igf next week and have been reading enough about measuring on a slin pin to make my head spin. I keep getting contradicting answers. SO!, since i have the mc igf (1000mcg), 30gauge/.5"/1mL pins.....and the marks go 10-20-30...100 with 4 little ticks between each of them. Does one...
  5. J

    Cardio Question

    So, since its near summertime, im sure most of you are doing the dreaded cardio too. Do any of you do ur cardio before the workout? I do 10 minutes to warmup and then lift. My question is, right after I finish lifting, should I down a shake then before I do my last 45 minutes of cardio or...
  6. J

    6500 calories a day! Check it out, imagine that? My question is why was he eating 5000 calories worth of protien shakes if he is having trouble keeping on weight?? I would be getting up early to hit up multiple rounds of McDonalds breakfast if my metabolism was like that.
  7. J

    MC Finestra solution

    This may sound dumb, but i'd rather know than guess, but how is the MC finestra solution it topical? How much should be taken per day? :fyi: Thanks bros.
  8. J

    Aqua burn question

    Whatsup fellas, If i was on clen for two weeks, and now ive been off for one week, is it ok to start taking the aqua burn now or should i still wait another week for the receptors to free up since reg. clen doesnt contain the Ketotifen that aqua burn does to keep the sites more receptive...?
  9. J

    Thanks MCAS!

    Just wanted to thank any of the mods/reps that helped me get my order: Presser, MMX2, Jay, BigNick, TonyK and anyone else. Just got it today via international shipment and couldnt be happier! My only request is that next time, Presser, you pack the order with either the Wall Street Journal or...
  10. J

    ? about the lottery...

    Did anyone ever win the January one? Presser, will we get notified via PM or will you just put it on the board for the March lottery, just wondering cause i feel like a winner today. :thumbsup:
  11. J

    Finestra ?uestion

    Does anyone here use finestra while on tren to prevent baldness?
  12. J

    cycle help please

    Whatsup guys, I want to know which is better for a lean gain/less water with t-bol and tren depot; omnadren (550mg/week) or cyp at 400mg/week. its gonna go for 12 weeks, t-bols for first 6 weeks, tren the last 6 and which ever test for the whole duration. I want to keep as much as possible...
  13. J

    cycle input

    Whatsup bros, im about to order some more gear, heres what I was thinking on running, let me know what you think: Weeks 1-12 Test Cyp, 500 mg/week Weeks 1-6 Turanabol 30-40mg/day Weeks 7-12 Trenabol depot 200mg/week clen every 2 weeks on/off arimidex weeks 6-12 Weeks 15-16 clomid and hcg my...
  14. J

    'Stealth' products

    Has anyone used them, i just read about them today. Prices are nice, but i'd like to hear some reviews first...
  15. J

    German Volume Training

    Has anybody ever used this workout technique? For those who dont know, its one exercise per body part, 10 sets of 10 using the same weight (for the most part). If so, how many weeks did u do it for, and how were the results?I read its usually for people who platuea, but i'm living in Germany...