Test Suspension Conversion

Can anyone tell me which Peg weight to use in making test suspension?
Test base = 10gr.
E.O. = 59.5 ,ml
Bb. = 20ml
BA. = 3ml
Guaiacol = 10ml
100mgs/100mgs. ml
Ive made this no p.i.p.
I also have tasty tne/dbol recipe. Why pay 60$ a bottle when you can brew your own for 7
Hi Mike,

this is for 100mg/ 1ml?

And you use 0,22 or 0,45 filter?

sorry for my english ;)

You might wanna start a new thread with your question so everyone can see it bro and you'll get more answers.
Anyone have any full proof compounding formulas for this particular topic? Testosterone Suspension / Testosterone base?