myostatin pro peptide(HMP) and follistatin...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
What would dosing protocols be adequate for these two compounds? I got some good prices on these and wouldn't mind trying one or both. Anyone know how to dose these?

I am a masters of science student at well known university in Chicago. I am very interested in the confidential results of those who silence Myostatin for muscle growth. It sounds like you might be interested too. I would love to communicate with you if you should determine to go forward with your plan. I will not give medical, legal, scientific, or moral advice, but I can suggest reading material for your review and hypothetical postulations.

For example, the way in which you choose to silence myostatin will make a difference in the dose. There are two ways one could currently silence ystatin in vivo: (1) via RNA-interference of myostatin; (2) by the introduction of anti-myostatin antibodies.

Acceleron Pharma tested anti-myostatin antibodies in 1 mg and 3 mg doses on humans and found that it was well tolerated. It is unlikely that you will be able to get your hands on the exact antibody formulation used by Acceleron, but almost any lab can formulate something similar.
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I have heard that 50mcg is the starting dose....25mcg morning and night...IM seems to be effecting for a localized effects for muscle growth...but most do it sub q...
Wow this is interesting. I have seen some posts but I see some of you guys are really running it. Im curious. I want to hear how this goes.
some thoughts

For a dose as related to and already tested on humans see:
Publications and Presentations
(View the topics "relevant presentations" under ACE-031 / Muscle)

Unfortunately, you will not likely be able to get the exact replication, but you can come close. Of course, there are many unknowns. "Myostatin" was discovered in 1997. In other words, the understanding is less than 20 years with very few human trials.

For labs that will supply myostatin silencers, keyword "lab" along with

"gdf-8 peptides"
"myostatin antibodies"
"GDF8 inhibitors"
"propeptides gdf-8"
"monaclonal gdf8"
"synthetic peptides"

You will find that there are many labs. You should request that your order comes prepared and ready to use for your "animal" experiments. If it cannot come prepared, request the correct reagent from the lab that you purchase it from. Do not store it and you should use the desired dose asap upon receipt. Also, if the lab says that you will need to centrafuge your order, you will need to do a dyi at home (lots of shaking).

If you get too small of a dose, it is unlikely that you will receive any benefit. In nature there are humans without any myostatin so, hypothetically there would be no such thing as immediate death or over-muscleing from silencing too much myostatin.

Hypothetically, and observed in many experiements, myostatin only works on skeletal muscle, but you would be really, really, fucked if your body was the strange-needle-in-the-haystack which unexpectedly hypertrophys smooth and/or cardiac muscle. For some the risk might be worth it. You could help me and perhaps many others if you correctly record and report the deatils of your proccess and findings. Of course, this could be done in private too.

For a dose as related to and already tested on humans see:
Publications and Presentations
(View the topics "relevant presentations" under ACE-031 / Muscle)

Unfortunately, you will not likely be able to get the exact replication, but you can come close. Of course, there are many unknowns. "Myostatin" was discovered in 1997. In other words, the understanding is less than 20 years with very few human trials.

For labs that will supply myostatin silencers, keyword "lab" along with

"gdf-8 peptides"
"myostatin antibodies"
"GDF8 inhibitors"
"propeptides gdf-8"
"monaclonal gdf8"
"synthetic peptides"

You will find that there are many labs. You should request that your order comes prepared and ready to use for your "animal" experiments. If it cannot come prepared, request the correct reagent from the lab that you purchase it from. Do not store it and you should use the desired dose asap upon receipt. Also, if the lab says that you will need to centrafuge your order, you will need to do a dyi at home (lots of shaking).

If you get too small of a dose, it is unlikely that you will receive any benefit. In nature there are humans without any myostatin so, hypothetically there would be no such thing as immediate death or over-muscleing from silencing too much myostatin.

Hypothetically, and observed in many experiements, myostatin only works on skeletal muscle, but you would be really, really, fucked if your body was the strange-needle-in-the-haystack which unexpectedly hypertrophys smooth and/or cardiac muscle. For some the risk might be worth it. You could help me and perhaps many others if you correctly record and report the deatils of your proccess and findings. Of course, this could be done in private too.


good post bro thanks!!! I almost missed this one!
I was just doing some internet reading about follistatin. I would be really interested in knowing more about it, especially from personal experience.
For dosing, you have to look at what the researchers did to obtain their results. I haven't seen anything about doses in micrograms for these substances. Everything I have seen in the research for follistatin and acvr2b (not sure about the pro peptide, but it would probably be similar) indicated two large doses with the second one being administered one week after. This is how I ran my acvr2b. I had 0.6mg divided into three vials of 0.2mg each. I took two of them at once, reconstituting them each (1ml of bacteriostatic water in each vial) and injecting one vial's worth in each quad (this was the location of many of the experiments, the other being the triceps muscle). One week after, I took the remaining 0.2mg, reconstituted it, and divided it in half for each quad. The results of just those amounts were incredible.
i am curious about the subject myself. ive been looking into this as well. the amount needed to achieve what we all want is just to damn expensive IMO. but you better know im saving my penny's for it
can you elaborate?

did they make your ridiculous biceps even bigger? :D

There are some progress pics back in the acvr2b thread that compared to my avatar although my avatar has changed since then.

Basically, I had an absolutely insane pump all over the first time working out after the first dose. Fat loss and muscle growth occurred at the same time during the next four weeks.

I'm starting to wonder if this stuff may have changed me in some way. I have been off pretty much everything for a month now except my HRT dose, but I'm not gaining any fat back, and size and strength still seems to be increasing. I get pumps like the first time all the time now. The attached pic (again, yes, I need to shave) is from last Monday, Jan 3. I'm far more pumped and larger than I was five months ago. It just seems to steadily keep going so far, and I hope it continues.
Damn. You do look quite a bit bigger than I remember. What was the estimated cost?
x2 noticeably bigger

how much could you contribute to your hgh cycle?
I thought that there was possible cancer risks with follistatin since it doesn't solely target GDF8? I used to have a bunch of info on it but it's been quite a while...
Damn. You do look quite a bit bigger than I remember. What was the estimated cost?

Thanks, I'm trying. :)

The estimated cost of acvr2b for 1mg was $1,300 as the lowest price I could find. The other two compounds mentioned in the original post are being sold by stenlabs although their site is down at the moment. I think alibaba has a link to someone who is selling follistatin, but I couldn't verify whether it's the real stuff. The acvr2b that I got was direct from a lab so I know it was real.
I thought that there was possible cancer risks with follistatin since it doesn't solely target GDF8? I used to have a bunch of info on it but it's been quite a while...

The info is still around if you do a search. I didn't seem to see any cancer risks listed in any of the recent research, hmm...I'll have to go pull up that post.

In the info on acvr2b, they mention that it also targets a few other things, but when they talked about the mice, they said they were healthy.
Interesting prices you guys are getting, i have been quoted (Direct from a lab) for Myostatin Anti-Bodies at 230€ per 0.1mg. And thats reduced to 174.80€ when buying 10 x 0.1mg. So doing the math for todays exchange rates for 1mg it 1748€ or $2270 plus shipping