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Trenbolone Acetate & Enanthate information

[TABLE="class: profile-tb"]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Name:[/TH]
[TD]Trenbolone (Acetate / Enanthate)[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Other common names and terms:[/TH]
[TD]Tren, Tren Acne, Tren E, Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate Cyclohexylmethylcarbonate, Fina[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Active Life:[/TH]
[TD]Ester dependant[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Drug Class:[/TH]
[TD]Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Detection Time:[/TH]
[TD]5 months[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Chemical structure:[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Common doses:[/TH]
[TD]400-700mg per week[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Blood pressure:[/TH]
[TD]Yes, severe risk[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Acne:[/TH]
[TD]High risk[/TD]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Water retention:[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Aromatisation:[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Decrease HPTA function:[/TH]
[TD]Yes, severe[/TD]
Trenbolone is an oil based steroid produced by many underground labs, which possesses high androgenic properties, unavailable in pharmaceutical grade. Trenbolone is a very powerful steroid that was originally manufactured as pellets that were administrated beneath cattle skin, later to be brewed by underground labs for use by anabolic steroid users. Trenbolone has never been approved by the FDA for use in humans, and the drug is commercially used as vetinary finaplex pellets. Trenbolone is now widely available via many underground labs, and is now a very popular steroid due to its very strong and potent effects.
QuickTip: You can buy Needles, Syringes and Pre Injection Wipes discreetly from

A highly anabolic and androgenic steroid, Trenbolone can be a very harsh steroid for users that are prone to androgenic related side effects, and even those who have previously not been. Trenbolone has been said to bind to the androgen receptor at a rate as highly as three times that of testosterone, so we can strongly expect androgenic related side effects to result from its use in users that are prone to such side effects. Acne can be expected in prone users, and those who often have a break out of acne from use of other steroids, such as testosterone products, may wish to think about running a different compound. Accutane is sometimes taken with Trenbolone to combat the acne. Trenbolone will almost certainly speed up male pattern baldness (MPB) due to its very strong androgenic effects, and therefore will not be a suitable steroid for those who are prone to MPB and wish to avoid it.
Sweating and a decrease in cardiovascular capability is often widely reported with Trenbolone usage. Trenbolone is not really suitable for those who participate in sporting activities that require cardiovascular fitness. Sweating is also reported greatly at night time, with insomnia and strange dreams. Water intake should be efficient when taking Trenbolone due to water loss.
Although Trenbolone does not aromatise, in the present of oestrogen Trenbolone can manifest progesterone related side effects, such as gynecomastia. This should be kept in mind when stacking with other androgenic anabolic steroids, such as testosterone. Trenbolone is also very harsh on the HTPA function, and recovery is often said to be harsher compared to other steroids. The use of HCG is often advised for this reason.
Trenbolone (Tren) cough is a widely experience side effect from Trenbolone usage, but the cough has also been reported in the use of other anabolic steroids. The cough itself is not a pleasant experience, usually starting with a strange taste in the mouth followed by a strong and uncontrollable cough. What causes Tren cough is a much disputed topic in the bodybuilding community, with claims of it being caused the amount of Benzyl Alcohol used in its production by the underground labs, or by the oxidised partials that get into the blood stream of the user upon administration of the Trenbolone.
Users can expect rapid gains in muscle size and strength from the use of Trenbolone. The steroid is often use in cutting cycles due to its ability to cause hardening of the muscles, and positively changing a persons body composition. Trenbolone is also said to be responsible for some level of fat loss, but we should not rely on the compound for this benefit. Novice users may wish to use the faster Acetate ester due to its faster half life, and therefore the ability to cause a quicker drop in blood levels upon ceasing the drug incase any undesirable side effects become present. 75mg-100mg each other day (EOD) is common, and is often stacked with testosterone propionate. Greater dosages is sometimes administrated by more advanced users, often 500mg + per week.
Due to its high androgenic characteristics, Trenbolone is not really a suitable steroid to be taken by women.
Trenbolone is a very powerful and potent androgenic anabolic steroid produced by many respected underground labs. For those who can handle the harsh side effects it can be a very effective drug, possessing the ability to drastically change a users body composition.
Pictures of Trenbolone:

[TABLE="class: profile-tb"]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Syntrop Trenbolone Enanthate 10ml (packaging)[/TH]
[TABLE="class: profile-tb"]
[TH="bgcolor: #E4EFF7"]Syntrop Trenbolone Enanthate 10ml (vial)[/TH]
Trenbolone anabolic steroid cycles

Novice user's cycle
75-100mg of Trenbolone each other day (EOD) for 8 weeks, stacked with Testosterone Propionate 100mg each other day (EOD). Start pct 4 days after last injection
Intermediate/Advanced user's cycle
500mg of Trenbolone stacked with 500mg-1000mg of Testosterone Enanthate per week for 10+ weeks.
Trenbolone is often used in competitors cuttings stacks prior to content, and stacked with many other anabolic steroids.
QuickTip: You can buy Needles, Syringes and Pre Injection Wipes discreetly from
bump good read, and for the recent member question regarding this
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Might be dose dependant. But every time I've ran it. I've had to run pct longer than normal. I just don't bounce back easy with that stuff. But never ran hcg during cycle that might help I guess
Might be dose dependant. But every time I've ran it. I've had to run pct longer than normal. I just don't bounce back easy with that stuff. But never ran hcg during cycle that might help I guess

yes hcg would make the bounce back faster for sure
I agree, I ran tren ace at 500 a week for 10 weeks and ran hcg with it and it still took 7 weeks to bounce back. I have to admit with other compounds it works wonders and I will never run it alone..ever.
yeah i never have nor would i ever run tren alone, but it is a miraculous compound when stacked with testosterone, winny and igf-1 lr3, down right amazing
Trenbolone acetate Enanthate cycle dosages and schedule with sterile syringes sponsor
Yes Sir. I love Tren ace, I also would never run it alone. I'm not a big cycle guy. D-bol test, tren and mast. That is as big as I go. But it's plenty for this old guy. I like the dose you mentioned. I do everyday shots with ace. I've gone as high as 75mg ed. That for me is a whopper dose. As you said it is amazing what this stuff does. I look in the mirror and can't believe it's me. Proceed with caution. I'm prob overly cautious, I always have Nolva bloat, adex Endurobolic Gw and tudca. I also have some blood presser medicine. I don't have high blood presser normally, but my friend Tren shoots it WAY up. Even with all of that I still love tren ace.
Title: Trenbolone Cycles, Dosages, and Durations: Unlocking the Power of Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, and Tren Base


Trenbolone, a potent anabolic steroid, has earned a reputation for its remarkable muscle-building and strength-enhancing capabilities. Bodybuilders and athletes often incorporate various Trenbolone esters into their cycles to achieve their physique and performance goals. In this article, we explore the different Trenbolone cycles, dosages, and durations for Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, and Tren Base, highlighting their potential benefits and considerations.

Trenbolone Acetate Cycle

Trenbolone Acetate, known for its rapid action, is commonly used in cutting and bulking cycles. Due to its shorter ester, it requires more frequent injections. A typical Trenbolone Acetate cycle can last 6-8 weeks, with daily or every other day injections at a dosage of 50-100mg. Users may stack it with other compounds like Testosterone or Winstrol for enhanced results.

Trenbolone Enanthate Cycle

Trenbolone Enanthate, with a longer ester, offers a slower release of the hormone. It is preferred by some for its less frequent injection schedule. A typical Trenbolone Enanthate cycle can last 8-12 weeks, with twice-weekly injections at a dosage of 200-400mg. Due to its potency, it is often used in advanced cycles for experienced users.

Tren Base Cycle

Tren Base, an extremely potent and fast-acting form of Trenbolone, is usually reserved for experienced bodybuilders due to its potency and short half-life. It is commonly used as a pre-workout boost to enhance training intensity and performance. The Tren Base cycle is short-lived, ranging from 2-4 weeks, with daily or every other day injections at a dosage of 50-100mg.

Considerations and Side Effects

While Trenbolone can yield impressive results, it comes with potential side effects that should not be overlooked. Some common side effects include androgenic effects such as acne, increased body hair, and potential hair loss in those predisposed to male pattern baldness. Users may also experience cardiovascular strain, increased aggression, and potential suppression of natural testosterone production. Responsible use, proper dosages, and post-cycle therapy (PCT) are essential to mitigate these risks.


Trenbolone cycles, dosages, and durations vary depending on the ester used and individual goals. Trenbolone Acetate offers rapid results, Trenbolone Enanthate provides a more extended release, while Tren Base delivers a quick and intense boost. Athletes and bodybuilders should approach Trenbolone with caution, considering the potential side effects and following a well-structured cycle with PCT. Remember, achieving desired results with Trenbolone requires a holistic approach to training, nutrition, and overall health.
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[h=3]Tren Steroid Stacks & Popular Bulking Steroid Cycles with Trenbolone and IGF-1 LR3[/h]
  1. Trenbolone Enanthate, Testosterone Enanthate, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: Trenbolone Enanthate and Testosterone Enanthate both with longer esters for steady gains; IGF-1 LR3 enhances muscle growth and recovery.
    • Duration: 10-12 weeks for the steroids, with IGF-1 LR3 used for 4-6 weeks within this period.
  2. Trenbolone Acetate, Dianabol, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: Trenbolone Acetate for rapid gains, Dianabol as a powerful oral bulking agent; IGF-1 LR3 to complement muscle development.
    • Duration: 6-8 weeks, with IGF-1 LR3 used throughout the cycle.
  3. Trenbolone Enanthate, Deca-Durabolin, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: Trenbolone Enanthate for muscle growth, Deca-Durabolin for strength and size; IGF-1 LR3 to support tissue repair and hypertrophy.
    • Duration: 10-12 weeks, incorporating IGF-1 LR3 for the first 4-6 weeks.
  4. Trenbolone Acetate, Anadrol, Testosterone Propionate, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: A mix of Trenbolone Acetate and Testosterone Propionate for fast-acting effects, Anadrol for significant mass gains; IGF-1 LR3 for synergistic growth effects.
    • Duration: 8 weeks, with IGF-1 LR3 throughout the cycle for maximum efficacy.
  5. Trenbolone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, Equipoise, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: Balanced combination of Trenbolone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate for steady gains, Equipoise to increase appetite and stamina; IGF-1 LR3 to boost muscle proliferation.
    • Duration: 12 weeks, with IGF-1 LR3 for the first 6 weeks to kickstart growth.
[h=3]Tren Steroid Cutting Cycles with IGF-1 LR3[/h]
  1. Trenbolone Acetate, Winstrol, Testosterone Propionate, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: Trenbolone Acetate and Testosterone Propionate for lean muscle preservation, Winstrol for its drying and hardening effects; IGF-1 LR3 to maintain muscle mass.
    • Duration: 8 weeks, with IGF-1 LR3 used throughout to support fat loss while preserving muscle.
  2. Trenbolone Enanthate, Anavar, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: Trenbolone Enanthate for slow, quality gains, Anavar for its fat-burning properties; IGF-1 LR3 to enhance muscle retention and recovery.
    • Duration: 10 weeks, incorporating IGF-1 LR3 for the entire cycle length.
  3. Trenbolone Acetate, Masteron, Testosterone Propionate, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: Trenbolone Acetate and Masteron for their strong synergy in fat burning and muscle hardening, Testosterone Propionate to maintain hormonal balance; IGF-1 LR3 for its anti-catabolic properties.
    • Duration: 8-10 weeks, with IGF-1 LR3 for added muscle preservation.
  4. Trenbolone Enanthate, Primobolan, and IGF-1 LR3
    • Composition: Trenbolone Enanthate for gradual lean gains, Primobolan for its mild anabolic effect and fat loss support; IGF-1 LR3 to aid in lean muscle growth and recovery.
    • Duration: 12 weeks, with IGF-1 LR3 utilized throughout to maximize fat