IGF-1 Lr3 First Cycle Results add 20-30% Lean Muscle. Newbie FAQ IGF-1


Stage Pro
[h=2]Huw much muscle will I put on by using Insulin-like growth factor-1 Lr3 aka IGF-1 Lr3 ?[/h]This is One of the most frequently asked questions by novice users is how much muscle they will put on by using IGF-1 Lr3.
The Short answer:
The results depend on many key factors. If done correctly one can put on between 20% to 35% of lean muscle during a 3 to 4 month long IGF-1 lr3 cycle. The results become noticeable after about 2 weeks of use if not sooner and again in optimal conditions.
The Longer answer:
The amount of muscle gained by using IGF-1 Lr3 depends on many factors including one’s daily workout regimen, genetics, diet, age, quality and quantity of sleep, lifestyle, previous usage of steroids or HGH, etc.
A rough estimate of an overall healthy first time IGF-1 lr3 user who is in decent shape, and who trains / works out 3-5 times per week, sleeps 6 -8 hours per night and eats high protein diet can expect to gain between 20% – 35% percent of muscle mass within 3-4 months. Or if I put it differently – at the dose of 30-50mcgs daily , insuline-like growth factor-1 lr3 will help an already active individual push past their previous muscle building limit by 20% to 40%.
Results from 1st time IGF-1 lr3 cycles are always the most dramatic, no subsequent cycle will match the success of the initial one though steady gains can be seen with each IGF-1 lr3 cycle thereafter.

  • (In your first cycle the body is surprised by the high levels of IGF-1). By the time it develops the ability to control such levels of IGF, the muscle ceiling has already expanded by 20% – 35%.
  • After the initial IGF-1 lr3 cycle and or steroid cycle the muscle growth “ceiling” is already extremely high.
IGF-1 Lr3 First time users
When the goal is building muscle and this is your 1st cycle using IGF-1 lr3 get ready for a serious ride. There is no better motivation as being able to not only surpass but explode through your previous muscle building limit. IGF-1 Lr3 will give you that!!!
think I'm gonna copy this to the peptide forum, great piece for those interested or curious about running igf-1 lr3