Premier-Pharmaceuticals Ostarine mk-2866 Best Sarm Cycle for Lean Muscle


Stage Pro
MK-2866 (Ostarine) by Premier-Pharmaceuticals is the most popular and widely cycled SARM today, and here is why:

Side effects are among the lowest of all SARMs, while still producing solid lean muscle gains. First created to treat muscle wasting diseases, Ostarine MK-2866 has become a favorite among bodybuilders and weight trainers as a great way to get gains without a lot of the bad side effects. As with all SARMS, MK-2866 is non steroidal. It is non toxic to the liver, and only affects skeletal muscle.

MK-2866 reduces body fat, which makes it a great choice for recomp cycles. If you are looking at running a cutting cycle, this is a great addition or stand alone option as well. As an extra plus, not only will you not get dry joints from using this supplement, MK-2866 actually helps repair injured joints.
As with the entire Premier-Pharm SARMs supplement line, Ostarine MK-2866 has the best delivery method available with its Patent Pending Sublingual Delivery Method with over 94 percent bioavailability!!! This means it absorbs faster and better with higher yields . It also means optimal results.

Expect a solid 8lbs from a cycle of 4-6 weeks with Ostarine.

All in all, Ostarine is a great muscle building supplement to stack with anything. So if you are a beginner just looking for a first stand alone SARM this is a great choice, or if your an experienced user looking for a SARM that’s good for any stack, Ostarine MK-2866 by Premier-Pharmaceuitcals is the way to go!


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Premier-Pharmaceuticals S4 (Andarine) is the Strongest and Most Effective SARM in its Class. Compared to Stanozolol aka Winstrol some advanced users say they would choose S4 Andarine over the popular steroid due to its effects being stronger than Winny without the side effects!.

First Invented for the treatment of osteoporosis, muscle degeneration as well as benign prostatic hypertrophy, Premier-Pharm Andarine S4 has become a staple among bodybuilders and weight lifters due to its ability to enhance vascularity and “aesthetic” shredded hard look without the water retention. Andarine reduces body fat at the same time increasing lean muscle mass in a hypocaloric diet Making this the perfect SARM for cutting.

Unlike anabolic steroids SARM Andarine will not dry out your joints. Like all SARMS Andarine is non steroidal. It is non toxic to the liver, and only affects skeletal muscle.

Higher dosages of Andarine S4 can effect night vision temporarily. The best way to cycle Andarine is 5 days on 2 days off to minimize these side effects
Premier-Pharmaceuticals Andarine S4 has a Patent Pending Delivery System giving the user over 94% bioavailability meaning less break down and a faster more potent product than any other.
S4 Andarine will shed body fat while adding lean quality muscle gains as well as an increase in strength!

I will start posting my personal reviews on both sarms andarine and ostarine as soon as i am finished with this current cycle.

If anyone has a review they care to share on premier-pharmaceuticals s4 and mk-2866 please post it here
lgd-4033 article will get posted for sarm information such as daily dosages, cycle duration, expected muscle gains, protein synthesis rates and much more.