
Yeah that doesn't happen from steroids or gh. And the guy who does that channel, does videos like that to get views and make money. Look at the videos he has posted. They are all designed to get lots of hits. I wouldn't trust anything he says - especially in regards to training bc natural or not he's small as fuck. I was bigger than him natty at 19 years old.
Part of it has to do with just plain getting old. Maybe there steroid receptors are just worn the fuck out. But that gh gut is bad. Kai green is getting alot of negative feedback already for the size of his gut. You look at Jay cutler in his prime holy fuck he was a tank compared to now. How old is Jay I didn't realize he has been around so long.
Part of it has to do with just plain getting old. Maybe there steroid receptors are just worn the fuck out. But that gh gut is bad. Kai green is getting alot of negative feedback already for the size of his gut. You look at Jay cutler in his prime holy fuck he was a tank compared to now. How old is Jay I didn't realize he has been around so long.
Yeah and sorry I didn't mean to be a dick either. Re reading my post it kinda came off that way. I think when you take that many drugs including insulin (which does add fat behind muscles aka visceral fat) and train and eat right for years and years, your core cannot help but grow. It just so happens that the way our brains see beauty in terms of symmetry and appearance we do not want a big gut. On the same token though, we do see big arms, legs, traps, back, chest ect as being "beautiful." It's kinda a double standard to think that you can get all those parts huge and then the part that connects them all together (ie the core) not big. Sure gh, igf, slin may play a small role in adding these guts, but you rarely see a "growth gut" on a small guy. It's usually a huge motherfucker. So it could be drugs, but it also could just be a side effect from just being that ​big.
It's usually a huge motherfucker. So it could be drugs, but it also could just be a side effect from just being that ​big.

My feelings exactly. It's just huge amounts of gear taken. My opinion it's guys that don't have the genetics to compete with the likes of the giants in those eras of Dorian and Ronnie. Maybe they were making up ground with amounts of gear that genetics left behind.

^ ^ ^ I was just going to post that same video. His explanation makes a lot of sense to me.
Lol! This guy is a clown! Of course competing at the elite level for years wears you out. It wears on the tendons and cartilage. Bodybuilders rise and then fall. There is no "Palumboism". Its nature. If I was this guy I wouldn't be talking about the elite. He'd get smoked by most of the loser gym rats that scamper around most gyms.
Your out of your element Donnie!!
You have no frame of reference!!
You're right there is no "palumboism" but it comes from Cushings disease. Palumboism is just from Dave who is famous with that look.

Lol! This guy is a clown! Of course competing at the elite level for years wears you out. It wears on the tendons and cartilage. Bodybuilders rise and then fall. There is no "Palumboism". Its nature. If I was this guy I wouldn't be talking about the elite. He'd get smoked by most of the loser gym rats that scamper around most gyms.
Your out of your element Donnie!!
You have no frame of reference!!
Your out of your element Donnie!!
You have no frame of reference!!

HAHAH John Goodman should have got an oscar nod for TBL man. Anyway yeah no one really talks about insulin either. I have no idea what it does except it gets a 10 for for side effects on the aas chart/. I just started taking my first igf product the last couple of days. And I think I'm going to stick around the recommended dosage.
Its totally hilarious, start going up to people in your gym and tell them they got Palumboism, or better yet go to your Doctor and tell him, doc I got me some Palumboism can you fix me?
just found this fucking ranked high on google for Palumboism lol,

So whats the opposite of Palumboism called?

Come on, Let it start here, and then make its way throughout the net and stick as a popular word coined here at MuscleChemistry
Palumboism is an affliction of the extreme atrophy of muscles– particularly the limbs- after an extended period of time on excessive AAS and GH. The term is also often associated with the irregular distribution of fat on the body called lipodystrophy.Jan 29, 2013

how its actually a word worthy of its own definition at the top of google is beyond me lol,

Now all I need to do is make the word "Presser" into a well known and iconic , popular, bodybuilding , steroid and fitness type word!

"Presserable" meaning: A person, or business that goes above and beyond for others.
(it was quite Presserable that kevin paid Bobby back twice as much as he had borrowed)
(I didnt think Kellies physique looked as good as you said, that was very presserable of you)

"Presseronic" meaning: Crazy inhuman Strength.
(His 1,200 pound squat was fucking Presseronic dude!)

"Presserogical" meaning: Thinking outside the box to achieve ones desired results in fitness

"Presserless" meaning: A person who doesnt train hard, or dilly dallies , and bullshit talker during working out. One who does not push themselves!

That poor Presserless guy will never make any gains in the gym!

Come on guys, help me out, I want my own definition on the first pgae of google at the fucking top! lol,
"Presserling" meaning: the guy in the gym always tagging along with the bigger guy. The spotter, weight racker, wanna be bodybuilder
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"Presserling" meaning: the guy in the gym always tagging along with the bigger guy. The spotter, weight racker, wanna be bodybuilder

Ok boys, this is the one I am going to go with! lmao We all have Presserlings at our local gyms or have seen them before. They tag along and walk around the gym with air lats, always follwoing right behind their buddy who is always the bigger stronger guy who is likely using the Presserling to rack his weights and spot him!

"Pressercise" meaning: the point during Making love or fucking when you reach 1,000 calories burnt!
ok, maybe this is a little narcissistic of me lol, which brings me to another great one lol

"Pressercisstic" meaning: an individual who takes great care of their physique, an over achiever in the world of fitness. To live a Healthy, Fit Life.
"Presseralled" meaning: a person on adderall who writes nonsense, while talking and laughing at ones self.
(presser must be presseralled to be making up all this bullshit that no one gives a rats ass about)
(due to being Presseralled, he could not eat a bite of food all day long)