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    boxing mixed with steroids

    I’m looking for some advice when it comes to boxing and how I can throw in some steroids to help me excel at the sport. I’m specifically going to the kickboxing gym down the street from me and I’m taking classes and it’s a lot of fun and it’s good cardio. But I find myself behind the eight ball...
  2. jimbosmith316

    Couples Routine

    Designing a couples bodybuilding routine can be a fun and motivating way for partners to support each other in achieving their fitness goals. Here's a general outline of a couples bodybuilding routine that incorporates both strength training and cardiovascular exercises. This routine can be...
  3. jimbosmith316

    Beginner Bodybuilding Routine

    For beginners in bodybuilding, it's crucial to start with a routine that focuses on foundational strength, proper form, and gradual progression. Here's a basic beginner's routine that covers major muscle groups: 1. **Full-Body Workouts (3 times a week)**: - Day 1: Squats, Bench Press...
  4. jimbosmith316

    7 day Routine

    An advanced 7-day workout routine should incorporate a mix of strength, cardio, flexibility, and rest days for optimal recovery. Here’s a sample routine, but remember to adjust it according to your fitness level, preferences, and any specific goals you have. ### Day 1: Upper Body Strength -...
  5. jimbosmith316

    Bodybuilding Routine for Females

    Certainly! Bodybuilding routines for females often focus on building strength, muscle definition, and overall fitness. Here's a sample beginner-level routine that you can adjust based on your fitness level and goals. Always consult a fitness professional before starting a new workout program...
  6. jimbosmith316

    Quick Exercises for the Holidays

    When gyms are closed or inaccessible, there are plenty of effective exercises you can do at home or outdoors to maintain your fitness. Here are some quick exercises: 1. **Bodyweight Exercises:** - **Push-Ups:** Work on different variations to target different muscle groups. - **Squats:**...
  7. jimbosmith316

    Breaking that Plateau

    Hitting a plateau in bodybuilding can be frustrating, but it's a common challenge. Here are strategies to break through a plateau: 1. **Change Your Routine:** Your body adapts to routine. Alter your workout program by changing exercises, rep ranges, rest times, or incorporating new techniques...
  8. jimbosmith316

    Cardio for Heart Health

    Cardiovascular health is crucial for overall well-being, and incorporating cardiovascular exercise into a bodybuilding routine can be highly beneficial. While bodybuilding primarily focuses on strength training to build muscle mass, including cardio exercises helps improve heart health, stamina...
  9. jimbosmith316

    Help Hypertension with Bodybuilding

    Bodybuilding can be a great way to manage hypertension, but it's essential to approach it cautiously and with some key considerations in mind: 1. **Consultation**: Prioritize consulting with a healthcare professional or a doctor before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have...
  10. jimbosmith316

    Lose That Belly Fat

    Losing belly fat is a common goal for many bodybuilders, as it can help enhance muscle definition and overall aesthetics. Here are some tips to help you lose belly fat as a bodybuilder: Diet: Proper nutrition is crucial for losing belly fat. Focus on a balanced diet that includes lean...


    Tip 6: Remember Rest Is Required [SIZE=5]Finally, to end off our bodybuilding tips, always remember to rest. Far too many people make the mistake of training too hard, too often, without allowing time for recovery. If you don't allow the body to rest before you go back in the gym, instead of...
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    Being your best entails more than just working out hard. These healing techniques are essential if you want to stay competitive. Too many men believe that exercise is the only factor. I would never have been able to develop the physique I have—and same for many friends I have in their 40s who...
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    Napsgear How Long Should an Effective Cardio Session Last?

    There are ways to plan your weekly workouts more wisely if you want to receive certain benefits from your cardio activities. Few things are as beneficial to your health as a cardio workout: your muscles, especially your heart, are put to action. When it comes to aerobic exercise, the American...
  14. drtbear1967

    Metabolic Damage ? More like Metabolic Adaptation

    Metabolic Damage ? More like Metabolic Adaptation.⭕️ A lot of people believe that the metabolism can get "damaged" by following large deficit diets or by dieting for a long time, yet, while larger deficits are certainly more difficult (and not recommended) to stick to (long term), they don't...
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    7 Ways to Fall in Love with Cardio

    Whether you like it or not, cardio is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Cardio activity burns more calories than other forms of exercise and is essential for long-term cardiovascular health. In other words, engaging in activities that elevate your heart rate and improve...
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    Body Recomposition: Burn Fat and Build Muscle Together

    Contrary to popular assumption, it is possible to increase muscle mass while simultaneously reducing body fat. Here's how to do it. When it comes to increasing muscle tissue, many men's bodybuilding and fitness articles recommend bulking up. However, many women (and some men) have no desire to...
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    2 Things Every Steroid User Needs

    Whether you’re a hobby bodybuilder, a pro, or are using steroids primarily for strength and performance instead of aesthetics, you know that anabolic steroids come with some risks. Here’s what users need to do to maintain their health. CARDIO Assume you choose to utilize anabolic steroids...
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    Cardio Tips for Bodybuilders

    1. Go for the Stairmaster first The Stairmaster is readily available at most gyms and is one of the tougher pieces of cardio there. Another option is to walk or run the stairs outdoors (or indoors if you have the space and you won’t inconvenience other people). Almost none of the other...
  19. drtbear1967

    Exercise and Metabolism EPOC

    We often hear folks recommend that people perform things like interval training and resistance training during a diet. This is likely due to each activity being more effective for maintaining lean mass than steady state cardio, but the EPOC effect could also play a role. - 💥 EPOC essentially...
  20. Presser

    Part-time Income for BODYBUILDING! by John Doe Bodybuilding

    Part-time Income for BODYBUILDING!<time class="entry-date published" datetime="2020-12-31T03:33:40-06:00" itemprop="datePublished">December 31, 2020</time> by John Doe Bodybuilding There is no shame in earning a part-time income for bodybuilding! Sometimes you have to take extra steps to...