Recent content by Massive1

  1. Massive1

    Think I've decided

    Why eod on the Enth and Eq Brew?
  2. Massive1

    Having second thoughts on doing cycle...

    The things I'm considering; The second may result in the same net gains as the first. Only difference I see is maybe more fat on the test/eq. Also I think it may be wise to hold off on the var and mast until may physique is completely ready. By throwing a simple cycle inbetween that and a yrs...
  3. Massive1

    Having second thoughts on doing cycle...

    So I'm having second thoughts on doing my winter cycle. Sure I still like doing roids but my winter cycles seem to be all inclusive and complicated. At this point, I would like to spare myself some of the aggravation and I don't think I'm ready for big gains and/or an enormous jump in weight...
  4. Massive1

    Highest Weekly Test Dose

    It's a Known fact that test is test, but I seem to get my best results from mixing diffferent esters. Something like 1g enth and 250sust m,w,f. Or I've done sust eod and 100 prop eod, flip flopping. OR using enth and prop etc. I mean CS without some prop in there that enth can take almost 4-5...
  5. Massive1


    Push-ups will do nice things for you if you're not in the best condition already, or haven't reached full potential. I also find that they''re ok to do the day before chest day, nothing extreme rather just to loosen up a bit.
  6. Massive1

    Workout Partners?

    This is what I think... a. You and your workout partner should be adherant to the same concept of training, ie. powerlifting or bodybuilding styles. b. You and you workout partner should be at least somewhat close in strength. Changing weights for each others sets shouldn't be necessary. c...
  7. Massive1

    First Cycle

    deca and no test is NOT a good idea. One thing is deca will give you huge gains, unlike what you said. Your strength will be sky high. your joints will feel smooth. It's put alot of water on you. But it will also put some fat on you. It's worth it but not 100% of the deca gains will remain...
  8. Massive1

    1st Cycle

    headaches could be high bp. check it.The D's should actually increase your appetite, if anything. Also I think 40mg is sort of high to go up to. One must realize that 15mg will show an effect. More will be more effect, plus more possible sides. Wait and see what happens when you stop taking the...
  9. Massive1

    IGF & Sex Drive

    I will add that it will help with recovery, if on a heavy cycle and there's testicular atrophy. In other words your nuts get bigger.
  10. Massive1

    IGF & Sex Drive

    It's not about that. No increase or decrease
  11. Massive1

    Dbol and Cutting

    The D's are gonna make the muscle tissue sort of soft and flat looking. Which doesn't resemble a cut look. Now a high dose should be out of the question. And a lower dose should suffice if trying to just maintain the muscle already there. Then I also think you would have to cut again to undo...
  12. Massive1

    Masteron, is it worth it ??????

    Good Q bump for some responses
  13. Massive1


    supplementdirect 10 bucks a bucket
  14. Massive1

    best cycle yet....i hope

    IC I really think the IGF should be run at the end. Most importantly it will help shed the fat gained from the cycle. Also it would nice to throw in some winny in the end as a hardener with the igf and that is kickass. Ive played around with that combo in the past. I beleive I used sust eod...
  15. Massive1

    best cycle yet....i hope

    You're on the right track because slin and igf will be a good addition. So best cycle in terms of what?