Recent content by nickeas88

  1. N

    Liver protectants? Liver Pure combines herbs and other nutrients known to support the liver’s detoxification functions as well as provide protective properties.* It is especially directed toward the Phase 2 enzymes, which remove toxins in the liver.* Milk thistle...
  2. N

    My journey

    Update.. As soon as my shoulder gets better, we shall begin with this 10 week bulk.. Testaplex E 250 - 2ml/Week for 10 weeks Oxyplex 50 - 50mg/ED for 5 weeks 2 weeks after last Test injection, starting my PCT Nolvadex - 20mg/ED for 4 weeks HCG - 500IU/EOD for 3 weeks I will be open to...
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    My First Cycle..

    Very well Thanks alot man!
  4. N

    My First Cycle..

    I don't because I don't have access to personall computers.. This is a military.. You can look my last name up on facebook and a black and white photo will come up, thats me.. I will post pics before I start.. Another question for you all.. I'm fairly new to this, and don't have any "inside"...
  5. N

    Bench Pressing Debate!

    I might take the last 1 or 2 down deep for a good stretch.. The majority of my reps are done in the top 3/4 part of the movement stopping 1-2" above my mid chest..
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    My First Cycle..

    Alright.. -Test E - 750mg/week for 10 weeks -Anadrol - 50mg/ED for 6 weeks starting 2 weeks before my first Test administer.. -Arimidex - .5mg/ED up until the day before my PCT starts.. -Nolvadex - 40mg/ED/2 weeks, 20mg/ED/4 weeks.. -HCG - 500IU/EOD/3 weeks Diet will be something along the...
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    My First Cycle..

    Goal.. Get up to a solid dead weight of 210-215 after my PCT.. Experience.. 8 years lifting.. Pretty solid foundation already built.. Stats.. 5'9", 195lbs.. Prettty strong all around.. Cycle.. -Syntrop Test E250, 3ml/week for 10 weeks split into 2 dosages/week.. -Syntrop Oxygen (Oxymethelone)...