Recent content by Roidrage3

  1. R

    quality vet

    Do you guys think quality vet have good products
  2. R

    quality vet

    Do you guys think quality vet have good products
  3. R

    New Cycle

    thick1 do u think eq would be better then deca
  4. R

    New Cycle

    How does this cycle sound! 50mg d-bol dailey (thia) products 6 weeks 750 mg Enanthate (quality vet) Products 10 weeks 600 mg deca (quality vet) Products 10 weeks 50mg winstrol dailey (thia) products 3 weeks Please send me your comments on this...
  5. R

    Cycle help!

  6. R

    Cycle help!

    well im 6'1 ive done about 4 complet cycles and im going to be on this cycle for about 10 weeks ive used anadrol 50 primoteston depot sus 250 deca eqipoise
  7. R

    Cycle help!

    Im about 2 weeks in a cycle, Im taking 50 mg of methandrostenolone a day and 600 mgs of propionate. Would it be a waste to take clen with this other stuff? Im about 240 10% bodyfat just started lifting again. Been off for 14 months