Recent content by skyfrog

  1. S

    Now I Know Why!!!

    I guess I need to just sit back and keep my trap shut, cuz I guess I need to learn some more about what Im doing before I open it again
  2. S

    Now I Know Why!!!

    Wow! Didnt expect a response like that.
  3. S

    Would you buy Bacteriostatic waters and Benzyl Alcohols, and such Ancillaries from MuscleChemistry

    I would buy from here! I'd rather get everything from one source. Saves time and money
  4. S

    Would you buy from MuscleChemistry Kits and Researchables? aka Genesis

    I would buy from here! I'd rather get everything from one source. Saves time and money
  5. S

    Now I Know Why!!!

    I decided about a week ago that I would start back on the gear since doing it in Highschool. I was divorced about 2 years ago and got back in to BB and I think I am tanked out as far as I can go without gear. Im 5'8" amd 225lbs w/about 12%bf. I thought I would join this forum thinking I could...
  6. S

    advice on Next one please

    I start taking clomid about 2 weks before the end of my cycle in order to have my own testosterone levels up by the time the crash from going off the cycle. Some people wait til their cycle is over before going on clomid. I personally believe that you can avoid the week or so of having estrogen...
  7. S

    Newb with ??'s

    eat alot of whole foods and suppliment that with a few protien shakes during the day. Its hard somethimes to eat enough protien. your carbs should consist of low-glycemic sources such as brown rice, plain oatmeal and whole wheat breads. protienwise I would select chicken breast and tuna and...
  8. S

    Pro-hormones vs. Oral Steroids

    I took 1-ad for a solid 6 months back when I didnt know shit about shit. I was taking about 900mg a day. after awhile I didnt think it was working until I went off the stuff. I quickly lost muscle weight and my fat content skyrocketed, I presume from estrogen being the dominent hormone after...