Recent content by Swolen

  1. Swolen

    Hey Guys! I'm back

    I know I've been terribly missed but thought I'd let everyone know I'm back and will be whoring around again :D :D SO much has changed since I left... FB is gone for good? Shokjosh is a scammer? We were bros once too! He owed me $100 and then fell off the face of the earth. Jesus Christ I...
  2. Swolen

    9 - 11 A Tribute

    Thank you bro... I needed to see that
  3. Swolen

    good site fro music

    T1 and T3 are ISDN lines I believe and I have a cable modem... When I download songs w/groups to download from I can download a 320kbps song in about 30-40 seconds.... :D
  4. Swolen

    good site fro music

    Do a search on yahoo and download WinMX......... It's the best! You get bitrates at 320kbps.... You can't find that quality on Kazaa or Morpheus.....
  5. Swolen

    good site fro music

    WINMX is the best... Kazaa and Morpheus the sound quality is crap but there is alot of traffic on WinMX
  6. Swolen

    What do you drive

    I drive a bright fucking yellow 2000 Jeep TJ w/a lift, awesome sound system, etc.... Spent over $9,000 in accessories alone and I'm no where near done :D
  7. Swolen

    QV prop.....OUCH!!!!! Anyone else?

    Brovel's Tprop@100mg/ml gets me a little sore too... Course everybody takes this shit a little far as far as the pain goes.... Either that or y'all are just pussies :D Hey Vaunz why don't you lubricate your pins w/Vagisil? That should help w/ your pain......... Bawahahaha lol hehehe :D :D :D
  8. Swolen

    My Jaw Gets Pumped Up From Eating

    Damn, I have the exact same problem dude... Thought I was the only one
  9. Swolen

    Good bye to all my bros....

    Damn bro, sometimes I wish I could just pack up shit and leave.... Good luck biotch :)
  10. Swolen

    crossing MX border during mid week..bad idea?

    Don't go during the week! YOu're asking for trouble 'cause there isn't much traffic and you will be alot more likely to be searched.. As far as only taking across two 10ml vials "lol" that is a joke... It would take you several trips just to do one of my cycles... If you walk across I would...
  11. Swolen

    My friend asked me to post this...

    Thanks alot for all the responses guys... He'll probably go w/the eq all the way through idea 'cause I know he loves his fina :D
  12. Swolen

    My friend asked me to post this...

    lol:D seriously gear or anybody else would appreciate opinions or alternatives....
  13. Swolen

    My friend asked me to post this...

    BTW, I think he'll be running liquidex throughout also...
  14. Swolen

    My friend asked me to post this...

    I have a friend who was wondering if this cycle would be good for him on his next cycle... Any thoughts and opinions would be appreciated :) BTW, this "friend" has several overall NPC titles as well as several heavyweight titles :D and I'm jealous as hell :D Wks 1-6 50mg/d dbol or 50mg/d...