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  1. M

    An S1+ Cycle Log

    Age- 26 Ht- 5'10" Wgt- 180 pds Just started my cycle last week. Been on it 5 days now. Doing 5 sprays twice a day. My workout plan is a heavy 5X5 schedule. I am eating everything in site. Have 6-oxo for PCT. Feeling fine, nothing signigicant in gym or bed or anywhere else yet. Except that I...
  2. M

    S1 anyone?

    Anyone every try S1+?
  3. M

    Experience with Legal Gear?

    Anyone buy products from this online company? Was going to order their M1T caps, 4AD spray and PCT Formadrol. Comments? Thanks
  4. M

    Why 4AD with M1T?

    What benefits would you see from stacking 4AD with a 2 week M1T cycle? I know Chuck reccomended it mostly because he was feeling extremely "lethargic." So why else?
  5. M

    PCT for M1T?

    Seen this tossed around a bit. Any suggestions from real experience? Thanks Niz
  6. M

    You're me ok?

    Ready for your first cycle, ready to get bigger and ripped. You're 27, 5'10", 175. Been working out for years, into different sports and routines. Working with heavy weights and low reps for about 15 months now and have put on eight pounds. Want to get bigger and harder but have to do this...
  7. M

    Only Winny?

    What about a cycle of just Winstrol? Reasons why not? Very new to this and my friend suggests I do this cycle which has worked for him. I'm 27, 174, 5'10" with a good routine I have been working hard at for a year now with no breaks.
  8. M

    Um, what exacty is gyno?

    Sure sure flame me out but I am just wetting my feet in this shit and have no idea what the actual affects of "gyno' are. thanks much