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  1. K

    Mc Igf

    MCs worked a treat for me, put 3/4" on my arms in 30 days
  2. K

    Injecting IGF

    I just drew up to 30 on the pin with bac water then 60mcgs of igf for 20 days then 100mcgs igf for 10 days.Split these into a am and a pm shot. Draw the water into the pin first then the igf so the water pushes all the igf into the muscle. Results were excellent. Did IM in the biceps and in 30...
  3. K

    Sight Injections

    Been using MC igf now for 4 weeks (onto my 2nd bottle) and have been injecting into the biceps. In that time they have grown from 18 1/4" to 19". Am i happy (",), Although i know someone who has used it and done his pecs and he said its very painful in the pec...
  4. K

    Maintaining Size

    Im no expert but i would be freaked out to. I started my first cycle of igf 7 days ago at 60mcgs a day. Im on AS,T3 as im trying to cut. My physique is defintely getting leaner and ive put 4lbs on since i started the igf.
  5. K

    B A ???

    Ive just started on MC IGF on wednesday. I have 2 x 1000mcgs bottles. I use bacteriostatic water with it. PM me and ill let you know where to get it in the uk. I draw up .37 ml of the waster on my slin syringe ( thats between the large 3 and 4) then i draw up 30 mcgs igf (takes me up to the 4...
  6. K


    All i can say is im appalled to read this being an englishman. Building site workers were walking off their sites to give blood to help the injured and then this....... Hundreds of commuters spent Thursday night stranded in London and some have accused hoteliers of cashing in on the crisis in...
  7. K

    HGH or IGF

    That was december 2000, but i have done another show since that pic. I am 47 going on 48 this september. I have just finished a cycle of 4iu a day of GH for 6 weeks. I was going to keep using it but am keen to try IGF purely for its bulking qualities. I can get GH quite easily and at cost so...
  8. K

    HGH or IGF

    Thanks guys, Ive just finished course of HGH at 4iu a day but am keen to try IGF due to its muscle building qualities. Getting hgh isnt a problem so i have a choice, so i think i will give the IGF a try at 50mcgs a day for 50 days. Then back to GH. I am eating pretty clean at the moment and have...
  9. K

    HGH or IGF

    Hi bros, in your opinions which is the most potent fat burner between HGH and IGF. I am on 4iu of GH a day at the moment but stocks are running low and will be starting IGF once the GH has gone. This will be my first time on IGF although i have used GH many times before. cheers....
  10. K

    loose skin on the belly

    heprinoid cream rubbed on the skin tightens up the skin. I use it a week out from comps and i know models use it under their eyes for the same effect. its called Lassinel and you can buy it over the counter in the uk but im not sure in the states. Its used for treating bruises and burns
  11. K

    Ankebio Ansomone GH??

    I have just had this reply from my source at ankebio: Hello Ken, Firstly, thank you very much for forwarding me the amazing drawing, what is the nationality of the painter, have you ever seen his drawings at the spot? We do provide rHGH of 15IU vials in simple English packaging, but it...
  12. K

    question about igf

    so if my workout is at 7pm i should inject just before and then again when i go to bed at about 11.30 ish, is this right. That would give me 2 shots a day or should i just take one before i leave for work at 6.30am and then one before my workout. Im still learning about this stuff guys.... thanks
  13. K


    Im into the dance / trance music scene and thats what i like to listen to whilst training i get full dj mixes from using bitcomet to download the torrent files. Some of the top djs in the world on here
  14. K

    It's official i'm goin to Dominican Republic this June!

    Where you going to. I was there in january with my girl. The resort was sosua and the hotel fantastic BUT be wary of the uncooked food. I was eating all the junk cooked stuff and was ok but my girl thought she was being careful and ate a lot of fruit and ended up with ameobic dysentry. Spent a...
  15. K

    Ankebio Ansomone GH??

    PM me and i will give you the email address of one of anke bios sales reps. i buy all my gh from them. He is is very helpful and a straight up guy and wont B/S you
  16. K from 6/15/05

    Hi there, you look great have you started to increase your water intake at all yet ??? last show i did i was taking in 16 pints a day a week out then came down to about 1 pint 4 days out. Fools the body into releasing water. i took no diuretics at all. My boss got a bit annoyed tho cos i,d worn...
  17. K

    Winny Question

    why not just use winstrol injections, i may be wrong but i have been told its the same stuff near as damn it ???? im open for criticism here...
  18. K

    MC IGF Experience

    Thanks for the comments guys, im sure you know the bloody diet is harder than the workouts lol.... could have done with probably another week before the show but hey i lost 50lbs to get in that condition look forward to taking an active part on the forum and gleaming all your knowledge. i think...
  19. K

    MC IGF Experience

    Hi all, excellent pic and thats before igf, would like to see the after pic now. Im new to this forum and just to give you a little info about myself. I live in the north east of england. 47 yrs old and been training for about 20 yrs on and off. I havent used a lot of gear but when i have i have...