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  1. C

    Tempting ass's in the gym

    I've been told from some guy friends that it's like riding a moped - fun till your friends see you
  2. C

    work out season 2

    I'd say the straight trainer.
  3. C

    Common Gear Mistakes

    Great post. Everyone should read
  4. C

    Prince Albert/Clit Piercings

    Depending on the piercing, they can be alot of fun for both parties when it comes to sex.
  5. C

    Strange injury

    Depending on where the tingling is (which side of the hand/fingers) sounds like a neve is getting comprssed. For example if tingling is more in the little finger and half of the ring finger it would probably have to do with the ulna nerve being compressed. The compression could be coming from...
  6. C

    Ever been sexually harassed?

    Just tell the guy you are a lesbian trapped in a mans body. He's not your type.
  7. C

    Loaded Questions..

    Be honest with her bro. Explain it's like "pro choice". You don't tell her what to do with her body.... She should respect your right to do what you want with yours. Who knows maybe you can educate her on the subject.
  8. C

    What do you do???

    Lighting tech, for theatre, concerts, and corp. shows. The hours suck and training almost impossible, not to mention the lack of sleep. However, I do have fun.
  9. C

    My transformation thus far

    Keep up the good work. You look great.
  10. C

    Why do chicks have to be so flakky???

    If you don't mind a womans input... Call the cops, file a restraining order against her so she can't come around or contact you. When she does call...., call the cops back again and let them throw her ass in jail and mommy and daddy can bail her ass out. It's her loss Bro.
  11. C

    left pinkie is numb? any medical advice?

    The cubital tunnel is a sheath like area in which the the ulnar nerve passes through at the the olecranon process, also known as your "funny bone". If you work your bi's and or forearms alot, or do alot of repetative motion.... that area can get compressed and cause injury to the ulnar nerve...
  12. C

    left pinkie is numb? any medical advice?

    Numbness in the little finger and lateral half of the ring finger is usually due to injury of the ulna nerve. You may some compression of the cubital tunnel in you elbow.