Search results

  1. C


    That's what i was looking for, thanks bros.. that helps me wonders on my next cycle. (prop, winny, clen, eq) Maybe some t3 (havent used it yet so still deciding)
  2. C


    Thoughts on mexivet prop? results...
  3. C

    What is your favorite Anadrol???

    Ive done hemos and naps. the hemos rocked
  4. C

    TT Test Cyp...

    Chalk that one up for some pain. The testonon hurt much worse though
  5. C


    don't know you zoop, but been around a long time (bolex) glad to hear everything is ok. God be with you and your family bro
  6. C

    **'s Susp/Prop?

    Thanks for the responses. I think im going to go for it, pretty much everywhere i go, i get the same answer, some people have problems, some don't, for you that are having the problems. . . . is it coming from the man himself or are you getting in here in the states through re-mailers???
  7. C

    **'s Susp/Prop?

    Any feelings on this bros? Had great experience with his cyp but interested in the susp/prop. Sounds good, but very painful. any help?