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  1. R

    New pic

    Just took a pic in the AM lookin fuckin jacked!
  2. R

    back after a few years

    some new pics I put on a few lbs... both post workout
  3. R

    I need help please!

    Who isthe owner of Muscle Chemistry? ... I have having problems getting an order i for a few weeks and am feeling a little dissatisfied with the service..... I knowMC is good for the money but I hve been having som "technical difficulties" .... Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!:thumbsup:
  4. R

    G-flux anyone?

    Has anyone tried this G-flux type program Berardi had written about? I follow somewhat of the same lifestyle, but I would like to know more about all of his principles he writes about. I understand for the most part its being more active with several hours of training during the week coupled...
  5. R

    update pics

    SmOkE & MiRrOrS ..... `:dizzy: ..... and some bangin lighting:D 5 1/2 weeks left of cutting,
  6. R

    8 weeks into cutting

    after 8 weeks of cutting down Before pics...