Search results

  1. M

    gyno / knots

    Letro and nolva will bring down the lumps and take the pain away. At least that has worked for me.
  2. M

    Eggs for breakfast

    Salsa guy here... I do that or add in a little chorizo. Just enough to kill the eggs.
  3. M

    I hate acne

    My dermatologist prescribed tetracycline and doxycycline, both antibiotics. Works like a charm.
  4. M

    Video Of Jenn....Again

    holy shit! thats awesome... Keep it up
  5. M

    TRT questions...

    Thanks for the info CRG
  6. M

    TRT questions...

    Metal - yea they said 3-4 week into it to come in again and see if anything had changed.
  7. M

    285.4lbs this morning

    Wow bro! Thats Huge...
  8. M

    TRT questions...

    So I am on TRT and doc started me at 100mg cyp every week. I have been on for 6 weeks. Been feeling much better, I have noticed Im not as tired as before. But also I have tender nips now. So here is the blood work at least that I saw... 10/11 - total = 211 11/11 - total = 208 11/11 - total =...
  9. M

    Oh shit Lesnar Overeem Promo

    I am soooo jonesing for this fight!!! Im a Brock fan but like Overeem also. I hope this fight ends up being something huge!
  10. M

    Frank McGrath...

    yea hes a beast!
  11. M

    Fckn piece of shit computer

    That is what I would have said first but price around the holidays is always a factor. Plus if you look and know what ur getting you can actually find copies of modded OS X to run on ur pc. ::wink:
  12. M

    Fckn piece of shit computer

    Check out compusa or tigerdirect for refurbs... Got a client a kick ass quad core amd HP for 300 bucks.
  13. M

    splitting dosages for less injection pain?

    Ox, who's gear is it?
  14. M

    Lifting partner

    I have a bunch. They call me the gym vampire. I have one I train with alot but he isnt the type to push me so I workout with other people alot too to push me and they are usually bigger or stronger than I am. But im a work horse so Ill keeping pushing them just as hard even though they may do...
  15. M

    How to Get Bigger Triceps With Dumbbells

    I have never had an issue with my tri's. Just good form and heavy seemed to do the trick for me... But I also switch up tri exercises all the time so i don't usually go 2-3 weeks doing the same exercise
  16. M

    Dmitry Ivanov - 1010lbs Squat

    it seemed crazy easy for him.
  17. M

    Protect the Internet

    Been jumping on this stuff for weeks... This is really ridiculous... The gov. needs to stay the F out of trying to controlling the internet...
  18. M

    Sterile abcess (CRG for you)

    I had a sebaceous cyst removed few weeks ago. Healing is almost done. But fucker hurt bad.