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  1. forcecon

    test prop and dbol

    anybody have any input on what I said about some guys using orals on training days only vs everyday?
  2. forcecon

    test prop and dbol

    since I started back on the juice, a lot of what I have been doing is trial and error combined with internet research and advice that I get from this site. I think that I have found test prop. to be the most effective test for me, ( I have tried cyp., sust and enanthate along with prop). the...
  3. forcecon

    some thoughts on tren

    the tren was tren ace 100mg/ml and the prop was 100mg/ml. both products were kalpa, which I have nothing but good things to say about their testosterones. the sides were numerous; profuse sweating (both day and night), pain at injection sites, loss of appetite and fatigue (when I was at the 1ml...
  4. forcecon

    some thoughts on tren

    Just thought I would check in and give an update on my tren acetate/test prop cycle. I started off my cycle by using 1ml/tren acetate and 1ml test prop eod. For me personally, the tren kicked the crap out of me. The injections were painful and the sides were brutal. I got off the tren and...
  5. forcecon

    Pizza Hut

    Do you guys have the all you can eat pizza, pasta and salad bar Pizza Huts where you are at? For only seven or eight dollars you can eat yourself to a premium heart attack or a least a solid stroke or anuerism. The only thing that bugs me about pigging out at an all you can eat joint is when...
  6. forcecon

    How many of you use fish oil?

    I use about 2 teaspoons a day. HRT doctor actually recommended it. Not only does it help with joints, but it cuts down cholesterol and enhances brain activity (memory retention and crap like that)
  7. forcecon

    christmas in june

    I snatched the package out of his hand and locked the door behind me.. 3 days later and I am still a free man with a load of juice. I took my second shot of prop and tren today. I started coughing right after the shot, but it stopped about five minutes later. I am starting to sweat like a hog...
  8. forcecon

    christmas in june

    the mailman just delivered my test prop. and tren acetate. I cant wait to get started. the guys hands were shaking like a leaf when he handed me my package. I wonder if I should be worried?
  9. forcecon

    Some feedback needed before I start my new cycle

    so the general consensus would be to run the tren ace for approx 4-6 weeks at 1ml per week and maybe reintroduce it at the end of the cycle for 1 or 2 weeks at the most. i am going to make an analogy hear and correct me if i am wrong. tren is the "nitrous oxide of steroids" when nitrous is...
  10. forcecon

    Some feedback needed before I start my new cycle

    I am getting ready to start the Test Prop/Tren Ace. cycle. 1ml/100mg Test Prop eod and .50ml/50mg of Tren Ace. eod. for 12 weeks. I have never used either steroid before, so I would like to know, would there be a problem with kick starting the first week with 1ml of tren ace vs .50ml? I have...
  11. forcecon

    Test Prop./Tren Acetate Cycle

    I have read some of the cycles on these forums, being posted by 17 or 18 yr old kids, and almost died laughing. What on earth would a teenager need with steroids? But like I said before, they think they are magic beans. Or when a professional athlete gets caught and all you here is morons...
  12. forcecon

    Test Prop./Tren Acetate Cycle

    Thanks for all the good info. guys. This site is extremely helpful for a guy with little experience in AAS. I am going to go with it and see how it all turns out. One thing that I have learned from my current cycle, is that steroids are not magic beans, you stilll have to train hard and diet...
  13. forcecon

    Test Prop./Tren Acetate Cycle

    For my next cycle I was thinking about using test prop. 100mg/eod along with tren ace/75mg eod. Any thoughts from some guys with experience, I have never used either drug, but I have read that test prop is more effective than test cyp or sust. which is what I currently use. I have also read...
  14. forcecon

    Future Cycle

    Thx, I have to admit, I currently use 400mg of deca a week and have been doing so for 7 weeks now and I am not that blown away by it. I believe that the gains that I am seeing are coming from the test and if I eliminate the deca it really won't mean too much. Someone recently wrote an article...
  15. forcecon

    Future Cycle

    For my next cycle I was thinking of going with Test Cyp., Deca and Tren Ace. I am in the middle of a Sust 350, Deca, Test Cyp. cycle right now. I like the results I am getting, but I was thinking that on the next cycle I could use less and gain more. Any thoughts? Right now I am using about...
  16. forcecon

    Cycle is going great in week 6

    Thx. One screw up I made, was not taking any before photos, I simply did not think that the juice would have that strong of an effect on me. The doc wants to see me in another 3 mos. (probably because of the test and estriodiol jump) that would mean blood work around 07/10. Anyone have any...
  17. forcecon

    Cycle is going great in week 6

    Just came back from my HRT appointment. Testosterone is over 1500 (I wish they gave the exact number, but they don't). Body weight is up by 15 lbs, but body fat is down, the doctor said that I actually looked like I lost weight. My estriodiol is up to 43 and the normal range stops at 42. I...
  18. forcecon

    High Concentrate Test

    Would you say that the results from the higher concentrates are significantly better. I am thinking of going in that direction to cut down on the number of injections. I don't mind some pain if the benefits are obvious. Plus it seems like you are getting more for your money.
  19. forcecon

    High Concentrate Test

    Anyone have any thoughts or experiences with some of these testosterone's that have the higher concentration levels, for example Geneza has a Test 500 that they market. I have also seen testosterone mixes that contain anywhere from 300mg/ml to 400mg/ml.
  20. forcecon

    Into. New Member

    Thx. for the welcome. Yes MMX2 I started HRT about a year ago. The test levels were at 230, with 1ml/200mg of Cyp. The levels eventually came up to 1100. At that point the doctor would not prescribe anymore juice. But because the test did so much for me, I began to wonder how a full blown...