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  1. S

    Desperately want to build muscle and mass! Looking for direction

    Yes bulk up. The weight loss however was not from a health issue rather withdrawl from medication. I did not have the GynoMas with the first two cycles and after being off of the 3rd and final cycle about 2 months went away on its own. I do appreciate your concern and care for my overall health...
  2. S

    Desperately want to build muscle and mass! Looking for direction

    Im 135lbs 6' and 30 years old. I have done 3 injectable cycles over the past couple years with my first having the best result. I believe the first one was Test-E & Decca and DBol orally, ran cycle for 10 weeks. I gained about 30 lbs and felt great! Then I got sick about 5 months after my cycle...