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  1. D

    Help with my wife's winstrol, clen and anavar cycle

    My wife made amazing gains on 5mg of winstrol twice a day. It washer first cycle. Her clot got a ill puffy but nothing crazy. She tried avavr and was disappointed. 3rd cycle willie prime and war maybe winy again since she like it. . Ranger do lead the way. 3rd bat boy for life###
  2. D

    Anyone getting ready...

    I havnt been on forum in a while I been competing Consistanly for a while but at my height a pro card was far fetch. Then therebis mens phyiq which I though was more realistic. But wearing short seem generic I started out in posing trunk and posing so my passion wasnt therewith mens physique...
  3. D

    Anyone getting ready...

    Did u say you weighed in at 247 am I mistaken about the weight limit??? I hope so
  4. D

    Anyone getting ready...

    I guess you will be competition as I will be in same class. Rigor now is the time to grab a pro card brother they are going to be giving extra card out this year like they did with mens physique. I hates not showing legs. This shit has me pump up!
  5. D

    Anyone getting ready...

    I have been running sust EOD with novolog in am and pre workout per mutants protocol but with alot less then 10 Iu. it wasFirst time using insulin so playing it safe. The novolog made me eat like an animal and I immediately blew back up to my old size and passed it quickly.. Most dramatic effect...
  6. D

    Anyone getting ready...

    Ifbb north America. Sept 3rd classic physique tallest class. In about 6'4 260 when I started 5 weeks ago my gym scale is broke so I'm not sure my diet has.been spot on and I see my self leaning out. Injured. peeping for nationals pulled out early while gear was still stock piled.
  7. D

    TNE or TEST PROP for pre-workout?

    I have only ran test prop but I am assuming with half life being longer then tne would be superior. Ill have better feedback soon just order 10 bottle of tne 100mg and 10 bottles of injectible anadrol/dball. 50mg each per ml. Trying to to put some quick size to grow a ill for classic physique...