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  1. V

    Getting back in the game

    Looking for some advice. I have experience (6 or 7 cycles) with supplements. I trained 5 days a week for roughly 5 years. During that time, I decided I would start my first cycle, which was SUST 500mg/wk. second cycle was SUST/DECA. Several cycles later, I decided to try: TREN A 100mg EOD SUST...
  2. V

    Made order ukanabolocis

    Thanks for the heads up. I'm new to the forum and was not aware of that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. V

    Made order ukanabolocis

    Being that this is my first post and I'm new to the forum, please excuse me if there is a better place to post this. I am a former customer of Naps but have not been on any gear for about 3 years. I believe the gear I got from them was legit. I recently went to make an order and the site has a...