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  1. J

    Please Help

    i am 23 yrs. old... 230lbs. good diet... 5'10... been lifting for a good 4-5 yrs. looking to cut down and get lean... i have my hands on some Winny and i can get my hands on some Prop. can someone tell me the best way to stack them...
  2. J

    Winny Cycle

    i just picked up a 20mg. bottle of Stan QV 50 and i was wondering what would be the best stack to put together w/ this... i weigh 220-230 about 15% body fat... i'm looking to cut down but this is the 1st cutting cycle i'm doing and i'm not sure how to go about it... could you please help me w/...
  3. J


    i have a chance to get clenbuterol at 1.25 a pill what do you think is a sufficient amount to buy to last me a cycle...also it says take it for 8-10 week cycle. is that including the weeks off???...or is it 8 weeks of a straight cycle???