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    If you have bad joints, then read

    hey DangerousGround, how is that stuff working for you?
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    Adequan for Bad joints. Winstrol Adequan together. Doses and side effects

    hey DangerousGround, how is that stuff working for you?
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    How do you jab and inject fast or slow??

    I like to inject slow myself, and for some reason I like to see the needle go in where as some of my freinds say they like to look the other way.
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    Winnie vs Var Real World exps.

    var is great if you have the $$ to use it, you can also tay on it longer than winy (does'nt mess with your joints) but I still like winny for cost vs. results
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    a few pic of me

    The only thing I would say is to work on your chest to make it fuller but other than that, keep up the good work
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    some guys on anabolicboard were complaining about absesses fro the deca
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    Hi everyone, i new guy here

    welcome to the board.
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    thats strange, OV deca has always been painless in my experiences, are you sure it is not the test or maybe just a bad inject?
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    testoserone magazine/Mag-10

    Overpriced Crap in my opinion
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    check out my winny

    My gf works in an animal hospital, it looks like the ones I have got, what is the exp date and lot No.
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    Opinions on Dbol?

    I for one love dbol to kick off a good bulking cycle, I usually dont do cardio when on dbol (usually get bad shin splints) but on a bulking cycle I dont really care about cardio anyways
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    Grocery Bill $$$

    I spend at least 75 to 85 a week, no one said body building is cheap. luckily my Albertsons has buy one get one free chicken breast and petite sirloin steak:D
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    When I fail on my bench..,

    One excersise that really got my bench up was: rack lock outs, as soon as I started them my bench went through the roof
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    What do you use?

    Whatever was the best deal for the money I had in the past but soon to try my own special brew.
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    I hate it when I take an afternoon nap for a few hours, then whe it comes to falling asleep at night you cant make it happen
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    Who hides this from the wife/girlfriend

    My girl loves to do the injections for me, she actually gets excited at the chance.
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    Help going to Florida and I'm bulking

    I live in Fl, and you will have no problem on the beach there are alot of fat people yo will fit right in.LOL:D
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    Ever been to Emerils?

    I too went to the FL one it was damn good
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    Whats up everyone!

    just wanted to introduce myself, I usually post on AB or BB4L, looks like a great board that I hope to learn and to contribute on.