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  1. T

    THG - what are its effects?

    Does anybody have info on this vogue steriod, like is it really a steriod with deca like effects etc. I searched the web with no more than news reports on it. Thanks TP
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    IGF 1 order

    Can anyone give me an update on cy-sols problems, im increasingly worried about an order i placed 2 weeks back...and ive tired emailing with no replies. Thanks, TL
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    Slin pins in the UK?

    Does anybody know of a souce where i can get slin pins in the uk, so not having to run the gauntlet of customs?
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    Gh and short term noticable effects?

    Good tip LA on the prego kit!! Off to the pharmacy to pretend my gfs sent me in! 4-6 months - my head sinks at the thought - i was hoping to see 7lbs of muscle and 7lbs of fat loose after 6 weeks on GH (alone). I bought 120IUs (Saizan pen) 5 cartridges. Slightly more of the chemistry lab...
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    Gh and short term noticable effects?

    im 30 in 2 weeks :O, that was painful to type! I really want to hear experinces of taking HGH initially after 4-5 days or so. I dont feel im on anything...don't feel any effects, even a mild recognisable side effect would be nice that this point to know im on the real deal!! Considering the...
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    Gh and short term noticable effects?

    I have been taking 4IU of saisan (via pen) for 4 nights now. It might sound like a silly question, but if i was taking the "real stuff" would i feel any effects by now, even a mood uplift effect. Im slightly concerned, as i would have expected to feel something, as per any new drug taken into...
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    Saizan Pen dose conversions? This is what u get with the kit (i didnt get it from these guys though)....120IU worth of saizan power and water in a cartridge that you have to mix to reconstitute then insert into the pen for injecting....daunting as i thought it would all be a sinch...
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    Saizan Pen dose conversions?

    Im not sure what the "typical" kit is, but it came with with pen and 5 x 24IU seperate cartridges in packets. I have to follow the reconstituting instructions of their website before inserting into the pen. But this is all in US measurements.
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    Saizan Pen dose conversions?

    Hi scorpio ...thanks, i have that chart but its all ul and mg no IU concersions :-/
  10. T

    Saizan Pen dose conversions?

    Does anyone know how to correctly convert (ul) and (mg) to 4UIs on the Saizan Pen. Help much appreatched i dont wanna waste any!! TP
  11. T

    Sazian (GH pen) Glucophage cycle?

    Hi LA....cheers for the Answers so it seems that GH/Glucophage resensitizise the slin receptors and reduces the risk of slin resistant GH effects. A definite plus!!!? This said on the surface of it...the it would seem it would make GH less efficient at muscle gains while taking GH/Glucophage...
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    Sazian (GH pen) Glucophage cycle?

    After allot of research and allot of sole searching i have decided not to go the GH/Insulin cycle...based on the slin risks (my minimal knowledge), and based on the fact i only want to get ripped and gain about 7-10ibs of muscle over 3 months use 4IUper (day 5on 2off) Chokes posted Mentioning...
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    Help needed on GH/Insulin cycle

    Thanks Tony, a big help, eases my mind :) PS. thats allot of GH a newbie to to GH, but sounds like you need some advise on the testo/insulin/gh combo cycle to get the best out of ur ££GH from what i read.
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    Help needed on GH/Insulin cycle

    well i have not read one article on it being derived from animals....their answer was "they dont advertised it as being animal derived though".
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    Help needed on GH/Insulin cycle

    so in effect is this company right or wrong is saying SAIZAN is derived from animals?
  16. T

    Help needed on GH/Insulin cycle

    Hi BiggerStronger, Well i was all set to place an order with that firm when i asked what is the difference between Saizen and Humatrope? The answer was: "The Saizen is animal extract and the humatrope is biochemical engineered. Meaning the humatrope is made from chemicals alone no animals in...
  17. T

    Help needed on GH/Insulin cycle

    Hi all im new to this forum so bare with me! My questions are for those in the know on GH and Insulin. Im gonna start a 2 month course on GH and Insulin. The Problem is i don't have any adviser or help me as im doing this on my own which does not help when i consider the possible risks of...