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    deca or test

    Without a doubt test, it is far more androgenic than decca, but testosterone propinate is the worst for acne. testosterone enathate is less prone to cause acne
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    question on a type of product

    Tornel has been around for ten plus years. It has always been good gear, however it never test's out at the mg on the bottle. So test 200 is probable only about 125 mg per cc.
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    Black Crest Phenlyprop

    I was wondering if anyone has used Nandrolone Phenlyprop? My main question is, is this drug a combination of Nandrolone Deca, and testosterone propinate? I tend to break out when using test prop and would like to now if that compound is present in this drug. Black Crest is the laboratory.
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    Has anyone used tamoxate distributed by victory enterprises? I'm suspect if they are legitiment. When going to the labs web-site it doesn't show this as a product. Does anyone have any info?
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    Regional Shows?

    Does anyone know of a regional show somewhere around Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Florida, or Georgia. The competition section is not getting much action. I'm looking for a show around June. It will be my first. Can anyone help me out Thanks Atlas