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  1. V

    lipostabil in this months MD

    If lipostabil is a no-go, how the hell do you get fat off your upper-arms and love handles if it stubbornly resists?
  2. V

    thanks hitmeoff, that was really useful to read! Think I am going to go for it.
  3. V

    Starting Lipostabil tomorrow

    wow! seriously thinking of doing this myself, but interviewing a few nurses to do the injections, so that can do lower back. Where do you get slim pins from, and how much is the stuff from labcorp? thinking of buying from zipmed as don't live in US and need everything for this. assuming labcorp...
  4. V

    and lipostabil works? And have you found that this stuff actually works?
  5. V

    thank you for all your help! Thanks for all your advice. A little nervous to start mixing my own ingredients, would rather get entire kit for initial attempt. You guys get good results when applying? Any problems?
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    thanks cracker jack, but i am in the uk. and i want to know if lab-corp supply a kit with all the anasthetic stuff etc. and the special needles?
  7. V

    has anyone ever ordered anything from, and if so are they reliable? I am trying to purchase a lipostabil kit over the WEB.
  8. V


    I am assuming are our sponsors? I know they sell the stuff but not sure about whether they supply kits? And there is no where on their website to direct requests. Has anyone heard of I am still very curious to hear from people who have used the stuff and what their...