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  1. B

    deca and tendon healing, put to the test....

    Ive posted on MANY different boards about this topic....what I have concluded is that there is really NO hard evidence between exactly which roids will help tendon and joint healing. But the consensus is that they WILL help accelerate growth (of course). so, I am still bothered by my severe...
  2. B

    DECA questions....

    alright im considering a test/deca cycle, which is quite common Has anyone had experience with PCT after this cycle, is HCG "necessary"? or could i get away with just a lot of nolva/clomid. also, I read that deca raises progesterone levels, how can one combat this, is it as simple as using...
  3. B

    combo for healing?

    Could one run deca and EQ at the same time.....without getting deca-dick?? for example: EQ at 500 mg and deca at 375 mg per week I know deca is very suppressive and test is usually "needed" to prevent libido loss, but could EQ be used in place of the Test by any chance? thanks!!
  4. B

    EQ or DECA for healing?

    well, now I'm kinda torn between one of two steroids. I will be using this in a stack for an injured calve. whats the consensus......EQ or DECA for injury healing?? I know HGH is the "best" but which of those two steroids above would be the better one..... thanks! and some will say that I...
  5. B

    new cycle, feedback needed please

    Alright, I'm thinking about trying this: wk.1-10 500 mg Test Enan wk.1-10 500 mg Deca Dura 11-13 40 mg nolva ed 11-13 .25 I-dex ED How does this look? Should I run anti-e's throughout cycle? is Post therapy long enough? Are the AS doses high enough? should i throw in some orals? Duration...