cross fit games Denmark..


New member
so the wife wanted to be a judge in crossfit games 2015..
but they offered her a place to volunteer which means she works a few hours a day gest fed and clothed ect and gets to watch the comp for free..
she asked if i wanted to go and as ive never been to Denmark i said why not..
but she emailed the team leader and managed to get me a spot as off to the cross fit games we go..

i know there is a lot of haters of cross fit..but she is my wife and i will surport her in any thing she wants to do..
plus it should be a good weekend..
yeah ive been there with her as well..not my sort of thing now but in my younger days i would of been up to it..looks good fun..
the last tough mudder she went on there was barbwire and broken hers)