Massbuilder order

going well, placed a new order on April 16th so hoping it arrives today as I am ready to place another order now that I know how smoothly and reliable you guys are. Cant beat pricing and free shipping with another great promo....keep it up as you guys will blow up here.....I placed small orders and piecing my new cycle stack and with one more order I will be all set and push hard the next three months til show time....
Just ordered on the 15th and received on the 21st . Outstanding customer service and speed and price and packaging and cant wait to pin next week
sorry computer died mid sentence.

Placed my fourth order last Sunday and recieved it Friday afternoon, thats great turn time with free shipping you cant beat it.
The Test P and Tren Ace are awesome products and I was lucky enough to be able to order their new Mastron which i just started and I am sure its kick ass like the rest of their products. I highly recommend Mass Builder for their quality then add in turn time and free shipping, its a true no brainer. Their customer service is top notch and ordering is very smooth....pick up a few bottles and try them for yourself, you wont be sorry.....
keep up the great work and I look forward in ordering again here very soon.
Thanks MB and Studmuffin
Thanks for the generous words with a great review! I have some mast e coming this week and I cannot wait to try it out hope you enjoy the mast ride.
Who's your favorite NBA player? LeBron James or Dirk Nowitzki?

HAHHAHAHA... i love it..

I went into a head shop.. and the shop owner said to me one time.. a kid walked in here.. and asked if he could see a "bong" .. the shop owner kicked him right out because he can't sell something that he knows will be used to for weed smoking... so the kid came in a week later and asked to see a "bong" .. and again, he got kicked out... 3rd week the kid shows up.. and asks to see a specific "potato gun".. and the owner smiled.. showed it to him.. .. when the kid went to buy it.. showed his ID and he was under 18.. the next week, the kid came in, asked to buy a specific "potato gun" and the owner said at that point he was "over 18.. from a different state.. but over 18 and smiled as he left with his 'potato gun'" ...

Jo_seef.. I get it.. made me laugh out loud.. seriously..