starting a new bouncing gig

Oh!! i wont have anything to report tomorrow night... Im taking the night off. Specially now, since the wife is on a war path. No g.... she isnt cool about it yet. She has allowed me to sleep in the bedroom again though.

my bar isnt that big actually, but we are always over capacity. we normally have about 300- to 350 people.
i'll be up for 24 hours at the end of my shift tonight... cant sleep now after starting up again. I just took some more clen to get me throught the night. thats 100mcgs this morning and 50mcgs right now!! wooo hooo...
had a biker gang come straight through our door and start choking some dude last night. There where about 10 of them... we only had 3 guys on the floor. It could have been really ugly.

Cool heads prevailed though.... nobody got hurt. Im still in awe a little bit.