Stubborn Body Part? Learn to Burn

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Stubborn Body Part? Learn to Burn

By Milos “The Mind” Sarcev
Presented by JYM Supplement Science

Q: What do you suggest for bringing up a stubborn body part that has not changed in years? Do you train it more often, with more volume, special techniques?

A: There are varying opinions on this. Dorian Yates believes you should not train a lagging muscle group more often because you will “overtrain” it. I disagree. To me, every training session is a stimulus and an anabolic opportunity. If training stimulates protein synthesis and creates hypertrophy, how can you say more is not better? That is assuming you have proper recovery, nutrition and rest. I’ve said it a million times, there is no overtraining; only undereating and inadequate sleeping. Most of us will have at least one body part that due to genetics is very stubborn and resistant to growth. For me it was my arms. In the ‘90s, I used Esiclene, a steroid that created localized inflammation but kept the anatomy of the muscle intact. There was no loss of definition or separation, in fact it made the muscle look harder! Later I tried Synthol, which was the biggest mistake of my life and almost killed me.

I’ve had guys with weak quads come to train with me because they can’t feel their quads when they train. I might put them on a leg extension and hold the lockout/squeeze for 15 seconds on every rep, or I might put them on a squat machine where they perform the reps very slowly and pause below parallel for five seconds, then another pause just above parallel for another five seconds, on each rep. Within minutes their legs are shaking, and they definitely feel their quads! Those people have trouble establishing the mind-muscle connection with that muscle. I like to establish the “burn zone” on every exercise with them. Arnold used to say, “If it’s not burning, it’s not working.” I like to say, “Learn to burn.” Techniques that often help intensify the burn include slowing down the rep speed and squeezing the contractions like crazy. I see people doing curls with good form and a full range of motion, but they are not squeezing the life out of their biceps. The next thing I look for is the strength curve. At what point in the range of motion are you the weakest? Then we work on that and increase the load there over time.

Most people go to the gym and pick the easiest exercises and put out minimal effort. You need to do the toughest exercises and really try to load up and get stronger. It’s OK to deviate from perfect form at times and cheat or use inertia, especially if it allows you to put a much heavier load on the target muscle. Really, you have to incorporate both perfect and looser form to maximize your results.

To sum up, establish the mind-muscle connection, find the burn zone and learn to burn. Find the exercises that give you the best connection and burn. Squeeze the muscle on every rep like you’re trying to squeeze juice out of a lemon. Then, try to increase the resistance/load over time. As for whether to train a weak body part more or less frequently, I believe more is better. Once a week will not be sufficient. Try two or even three times a week. What have you got to lose if the muscle hasn’t been growing anyway?

The Power of ZMA

Q: Milos, I recall that you knew and worked with Victor Conte and that there was some connection to ZMA, can you tell us about that please?

A: It is quite an interesting story, actually. I remember in the mid-‘90s (unexpectedly) getting a letter from Victor Conte, owner of the BALCO Labs and SNAC Systems from Northern California, who offered me (along with hundreds of other elite athletes from various sports) a blood test to determine levels of minerals and suggested that more than likely, I would be deficient in two key minerals: zinc and magnesium – like the vast majority of the athletes that he had already tested. He would then provide me with a full supply of his patented ZMA product for an entire year.

As I was regularly supplementing with both Zn and Mg (along with the full specter of all important nutritional supplements) I told him that I very much doubt that I will be deficient in either of those, but I agreed to be tested. He pointed out to me at the time that many magnesium formulas on the market were made combined with calcium, which inhibits the absorption of Mg, and how most of companies fail to realize the absurdity of putting them together in the same product … so he suspected that even if I was taking it, it would not be very effective.

Well, needless to say, I was not deficient with neither of the two minerals – which triggered Victor’s interest and we started to communicate regularly about every aspect of sports science, nutrition, supplementation, training … etc. … and became very close friends. I told him that I am very much aware of the value of both:

1. Zinc being an essential trace element required for hundreds of zinc-containing enzymes involved in the metabolism of macronutrients and its importance to cell replication … thus zinc deficiency would lead to decreased performance, impaired recovery, immune function and a number of other things …

2. Magnesium being the predominant element/cofactor involved in also hundreds of metabolic cellular reactions – most notably: protein (and fat) metabolism, glycolysis, ATP synthesis, neuromuscular and hormonal function is absolutely essential for every human being, especially athletes …

He agreed with me but told me that his ZMA formulation is by far more superior to any other Zn and Mg formula available on the market, as he used specific forms of these minerals, bonded as chelates that have shown dramatically better absorption and utilization by the body.

I remember how proudly he talked about using zinc mono-L-methionine, zinc-aspartate and magnesium aspartate – and their superior bioavailability (also adding vitamin B6).

He talked about some documented research that he was conducting at the time to prove all the ZMA benefits to athletes, including improved adaptations to resistance training, hypertrophy, strength, stamina, endurance and recovery – through positive hormonal response (increasing anabolism and at the same time decreasing catabolism) due to substantial increases of anabolic hormones – testosterone and IGF-1.

I am not sure if he ever proved that in a study … but I know that immediately upon switching to ZMA, I noticed improved sleeping patterns and recovery and have been using ZMA daily (rather: nightly) every single day for over 25 years now …

Do I recommend it?

You better believe it – as every single athlete that I coach can confirm it.

And, if you do want to ask about the dosage, yes I usually throw a “little extra” and recommend 4 capsules rather than 3 … so the total amount of magnesium is 600 milligrams while zinc is at 40 milligrams.You can get your ZMA through our ZMA® JYM Zinc And Magnesium.

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Stubborn Body Part? Learn to Burn

By Milos “The Mind” Sarcev

Presented by JYM Supplement Science

Q: What do you suggest for bringing up a stubborn body part that has not changed in years? Do you train it more often, with more volume, special techniques?

A: There are varying opinions on this. Dorian Yates believes you should not train a lagging muscle group more often because you will “overtrain” it. I disagree. To me, every training session is a stimulus and an anabolic opportunity. If training stimulates protein synthesis and creates hypertrophy, how can you say more is not better? That is assuming you have proper recovery, nutrition and rest. I’ve said it a million times, there is no overtraining; only undereating and inadequate sleeping. Most of us will have at least one body part that due to genetics is very stubborn and resistant to growth. For me it was my arms. In the ‘90s, I used Esiclene, a steroid that created localized inflammation but kept the anatomy of the muscle intact. There was no loss of definition or separation, in fact it made the muscle look harder! Later I tried Synthol, which was the biggest mistake of my life and almost killed me.

I’ve had guys with weak quads come to train with me because they can’t feel their quads when they train. I might put them on a leg extension and hold the lockout/squeeze for 15 seconds on every rep, or I might put them on a squat machine where they perform the reps very slowly and pause below parallel for five seconds, then another pause just above parallel for another five seconds, on each rep. Within minutes their legs are shaking, and they definitely feel their quads! Those people have trouble establishing the mind-muscle connection with that muscle. I like to establish the “burn zone” on every exercise with them. Arnold used to say, “If it’s not burning, it’s not working.” I like to say, “Learn to burn.” Techniques that often help intensify the burn include slowing down the rep speed and squeezing the contractions like crazy. I see people doing curls with good form and a full range of motion, but they are not squeezing the life out of their biceps. The next thing I look for is the strength curve. At what point in the range of motion are you the weakest? Then we work on that and increase the load there over time.


Most people go to the gym and pick the easiest exercises and put out minimal effort. You need to do the toughest exercises and really try to load up and get stronger. It’s OK to deviate from perfect form at times and cheat or use inertia, especially if it allows you to put a much heavier load on the target muscle. Really, you have to incorporate both perfect and looser form to maximize your results.

To sum up, establish the mind-muscle connection, find the burn zone and learn to burn. Find the exercises that give you the best connection and burn. Squeeze the muscle on every rep like you’re trying to squeeze juice out of a lemon. Then, try to increase the resistance/load over time. As for whether to train a weak body part more or less frequently, I believe more is better. Once a week will not be sufficient. Try two or even three times a week. What have you got to lose if the muscle hasn’t been growing anyway?

The Power of ZMA

Q: Milos, I recall that you knew and worked with Victor Conte and that there was some connection to ZMA, can you tell us about that please?

A: It is quite an interesting story, actually. I remember in the mid-‘90s (unexpectedly) getting a letter from Victor Conte, owner of the BALCO Labs and SNAC Systems from Northern California, who offered me (along with hundreds of other elite athletes from various sports) a blood test to determine levels of minerals and suggested that more than likely, I would be deficient in two key minerals: zinc and magnesium – like the vast majority of the athletes that he had already tested. He would then provide me with a full supply of his patented ZMA product for an entire year.

As I was regularly supplementing with both Zn and Mg (along with the full specter of all important nutritional supplements) I told him that I very much doubt that I will be deficient in either of those, but I agreed to be tested. He pointed out to me at the time that many magnesium formulas on the market were made combined with calcium, which inhibits the absorption of Mg, and how most of companies fail to realize the absurdity of putting them together in the same product … so he suspected that even if I was taking it, it would not be very effective.

Well, needless to say, I was not deficient with neither of the two minerals – which triggered Victor’s interest and we started to communicate regularly about every aspect of sports science, nutrition, supplementation, training … etc. … and became very close friends. I told him that I am very much aware of the value of both:


1. Zinc being an essential trace element required for hundreds of zinc-containing enzymes involved in the metabolism of macronutrients and its importance to cell replication … thus zinc deficiency would lead to decreased performance, impaired recovery, immune function and a number of other things …

2. Magnesium being the predominant element/cofactor involved in also hundreds of metabolic cellular reactions – most notably: protein (and fat) metabolism, glycolysis, ATP synthesis, neuromuscular and hormonal function is absolutely essential for every human being, especially athletes …

He agreed with me but told me that his ZMA formulation is by far more superior to any other Zn and Mg formula available on the market, as he used specific forms of these minerals, bonded as chelates that have shown dramatically better absorption and utilization by the body.

I remember how proudly he talked about using zinc mono-L-methionine, zinc-aspartate and magnesium aspartate – and their superior bioavailability (also adding vitamin B6).


He talked about some documented research that he was conducting at the time to prove all the ZMA benefits to athletes, including improved adaptations to resistance training, hypertrophy, strength, stamina, endurance and recovery – through positive hormonal response (increasing anabolism and at the same time decreasing catabolism) due to substantial increases of anabolic hormones – testosterone and IGF-1.

I am not sure if he ever proved that in a study … but I know that immediately upon switching to ZMA, I noticed improved sleeping patterns and recovery and have been using ZMA daily (rather: nightly) every single day for over 25 years now …

Do I recommend it?

You better believe it – as every single athlete that I coach can confirm it.

And, if you do want to ask about the dosage, yes I usually throw a “little extra” and recommend 4 capsules rather than 3 … so the total amount of magnesium is 600 milligrams while zinc is at 40 milligrams.You can get your ZMA through our ZMA® JYM Zinc And Magnesium.

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