The Ultimate Guide to Walking for Weight Loss

Muscle Insider

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One of the best things you can do when trying to lose weight is simply take a walk. If you need or want to lose weight for personal or medical reasons, the general ... Read more
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One of the best things you can do when trying to lose weight is simply take a walk. If you need or want to lose weight for personal or medical reasons, the general idea is to decrease the calories you take in and increase the calories you put out through physical activity. Your body naturally burns calories on its own, but exercise can increase your output.

“Calories in, calories out” (CICO) doesn’t always work for everyone. There may be metabolic, hormonal, and other potential reasons that someone’s body may not respond to the simple formula. However, there are many physical and mental health benefits of walking beyond the calorie burn that may still lead to weight loss. Oleggg / Shutterstock
Here’s everything you need to know about how walking may help you lose weight and improve your health, how to track your steps, how much walking you should do, and the best tips to walk more even amid a busy life. Get your shoes on and let’s go.

  • How Walking Helps You Lose Weight
  • How To Track Your Steps
  • How Far Should You Walk?
  • Tips for Walking More
  • Frequently-Asked Questions
Editor’s Note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. When starting a new training regimen and/or diet, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted medical professional. We are not a medical resource. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. They are not substitutes for consulting a qualified medical professional.

How Walking Helps You Lose Weight
If you’re trying to lose weight or shed some body fat, walking may be an efficient way to help you out. Let’s get specific on how that works beyond the calorie burn.

Burns Calories
When you think of losing weight, you may naturally think of burning calories, which refers to using energy. Your body naturally burns a certain amount of calories: you can find this out by calculating your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR refers to how many calories your body needs to sustain itself at complete rest.

When you do any physical activity — exercise or non-exercise — your body needs more calories. Your BMR plus your physical activity adds up to become your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Calculating your TDEE is helpful if you are trying to create a calorie deficit, or burning more energy than you take in. Expending more energy gives you a higher TDEE, so when you subtract calories from that number, you’re not eating at a low or unsafe number.

Calorie Calculator












Activity Level

Sedentary: little or no exercise

Exercise 1-3 times/week

Exercise 4-5 times/week

Daily exercise or intense exercise 3-4 times/week

Intense exercise 6-7 times/week

Very intense exercise daily, or physical job
BMR estimation formula



Your daily calorie needs: Calories Per Day

Daily calorie needs based on goal

Calories Per Day


Fat Loss

Extreme Fat Loss

Exercise: 15-30 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.

Intense exercise: 45-120 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.

Very intense exercise: 2+ hours of elevated heart rate activity.

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.calorie_calculator #eq').on('change', function() {
var bfat= $(this).find(":selected").val();
if (bfat == "3") {
$('.calorie_calculator #katch').show();
$('.calorie_calculator #katch').hide();
var units_x;
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="units"]').click(function() {
var units_v = $(this).val();

if (units_v == "SI") {
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$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').attr("placeholder", "Centimeters");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').attr("placeholder", "Kilograms");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val("");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').val("");

//$('#macros-meters').prop('checked', true);
//$('#macros-feet').prop('checked', false);



else if (units_v == "EN") {
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').attr("placeholder", "Feet");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').attr("placeholder", "Inches");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').attr("placeholder", "Pounds");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val("");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').val("");

// $("input[id=macros-meters]").prop("checked",false);
// $("input[id=macros-feet]").prop("checked",true);




$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-system"]').click(function() {
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$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').attr("placeholder", "Meters");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').attr("placeholder", "Centimeters");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val("");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");

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$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').attr("placeholder", "Feet");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').attr("placeholder", "Inches");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val("");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').val("");

$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight-system"]').click(function() {
var weightUnits = $(this).val();

if (weightUnits == "kilos") {
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').attr("placeholder", "Kilograms");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').val("");

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$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').attr("placeholder", "Pounds");
$('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').val("");

$('.calorie_calculator .calc-submit').click(function() {

var height = 0;
var calories = 0;
var katch = $("input[name='katch']").val();
katch = katch/100;
var eq = $('.calorie_calculator #eq option:selected').val();
var heightTens = parseInt($('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-tens"]').val());
var heightUnits= parseInt($('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-units"]').val());
var heightType = $('.calorie_calculator input[name="height-system"]:checked').val();
var heightTypex = parseInt($('.calorie_calculator input[name="heightTypex"]').val());
var weight = parseInt($('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight"]').val());
var weightType = $('.calorie_calculator input[name="weight-system"]:checked').val();
var age = parseInt($('.calorie_calculator input[name=age]').val());
var sex = $('.calorie_calculator input[name=sex]:checked').val();
var job = $('.calorie_calculator input[name=activity]:checked').val();
var bmr = '';

if (isNaN(age) || isNaN(heightTens) || isNaN(weight)) {
$('.calorie_calculator .calc-answer').show(0).html('Please enter values for all the fields.').addClass('bb_cal_error').one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function() {
$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $(".calc-header").offset().top-150}, 1000);
$('.calorie_calculator #cal_result').hide();
$('.calorie_calculator .ca_result .rs').html('');
else {
if(isNaN(heightUnits)) {
heightUnits = 0;
if (units_x == "EN") {
height = ((heightTens * 30.48) + (heightUnits * 2.54));
else {
height = (heightTens * 100) + heightUnits;

if (units_x == "EN") {
weight = (weight * 0.453592);

if (sex == "M") {
if (eq == "1") {
bmr = Math.round(88.362 + (weight * 13.397) + (height * 4.799) - (age * 5.677));
}else if (eq == "2"){
bmr = Math.round(5 + (weight * 10) + (height * 6.25) - (age * 5));
}else if (eq == "3"){
// bmr = Math.round(weight*(100-(20)))/100);
bmr = Math.round(370+21.6*(1-katch)*weight);
else {
if (eq == "1") {
bmr = Math.round(447.593 + (weight * 9.247) + (height * 3.098) - (age * 4.330));
}else if (eq == "2"){
bmr = Math.round((weight * 10) + (height * 6.25) - (age * 5));
bmr = (bmr - 161);
}else if (eq == "3"){
bmr = Math.round(370+21.6*(1-katch)*weight);

switch (job) {
case "a1":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.2);
case "a2":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.375);
case "a3":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.466);
case "a4":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.55);
case "a5":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.725);
case "a6":
calories = Math.round(bmr * 1.9);

$('.calorie_calculator #cal_result').show();
$('.calorie_calculator .d_calorie_result').html(calories);
$('.calorie_calculator .maint_result').html(calories);
$('.calorie_calculator .fat_result').html(Math.round(calories/1.25));
$('.calorie_calculator .efat_result').html(Math.round(calories/1.67));

$('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $("#cal_result").offset().top-150}, 1000);

$('.calorie_calculator .calc-answer').html('');


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[Read More: 5 At-Home Workouts for Strength, Muscle Growth, Power, and More]

Your TDEE takes into account both exercise and non-exercise activity. Strength training, HIIT, and structured cardio exercise will all boost your TDEE. Walking is unique in that some brisk walking can function as aerobic exercise on its own, but walking throughout your day for other activities of daily life will also add up to increase your energy expenditure.

The number of calories you burn is not an exact science, but thinking of it as the energy you expend may be more helpful.

Strengthens Muscles
When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s helpful to do resistance training to help build and preserve lean muscle mass. Muscle mass naturally requires and burns more energy, so building and maintaining lean muscle may help increase your BMR and TDEE. (1)

In addition to resistance training, walking will help to use and strengthen your muscles. Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that engages your glutes, leg muscles, and core. On its own, it doesn’t build muscle, but depending on the intensity of your walking, it will majorly tax your muscles leading to greater energy expenditure.

May Improve Insulin Resistance
One instance where CICO doesn’t always make perfect sense is if someone is dealing with insulin resistance. Insulin regulates your blood sugar and plays a role in your liver and muscle functions. If you’re insulin resistant, your cells don’t respond to insulin and your body creates more of it which can lead to it building up in your bloodstream. (2) This can make it difficult to lose weight.

Insulin resistance may be caused by genetics, metabolic syndromes, PCOS, type 2 diabetes, imbalanced nutrition, obesity, and other factors. Having insulin resistance can also put you at risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. (2)

If you are insulin resistant, reducing your calories and increasing your exercise may not help you lose weight like it would in someone who is not insulin resistant. However, research shows that walking and other exercise may improve insulin sensitivity — which may then help you to lose weight. (3)

Credit: Olena Yakobchuk / Shutterstock
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One study was done on a group of women with obesity. For 12 weeks, one group took moderate-intensity, 50 to 70-minute walks, three days a week. The other group remained sedentary and did not participate in the walking program. At the end of the study, the walking group reduced their abdominal fat and improved their insulin sensitivity. (3)

This may be because walking causes muscle contractions which can improve your blood flow. More blood flow may help insulin get into your cells, helping to remove the excess glucose buildup. After aerobic exercise, your body keeps using glucose, which helps it stop building up in your bloodstream, potentially leading to less insulin resistance. (3)

May Improve Mental Health
Walking may help improve your mental health. Aerobic exercise, including walking, has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. It can boost your mood, provide a healthy distraction, improve your self-esteem, and increase cognitive function. (4)

Simply being in a better mood and feeling confident that you can complete a task can help you stick to your weight loss plan. Walking — especially outdoors in nature — may also help you to reduce stress. (5) Chronic stress can lead to inflammation, health risks, and difficulty losing weight. Lowering your stress by walking may help.

For people suffering from chronic and severe depression, it may be difficult to motivate yourself to get out for a walk. For someone who is sedentary, even a 10-minute, low-intensity walk has been shown to be beneficial in enhancing mood and reducing stress. (6)

Boosts Overall Health
Walking is a form of aerobic or cardiovascular exercise. Regular cardio exercise like walking is associated with lowering your risk of heart disease by regulating your blood pressure, blood sugar, blood flow, and cholesterol. (7)

Walking is also a form of exercise that is weight-bearing. Weight-bearing cardio exercise — in addition to resistance training — is recommended for older people as a way to preserve bone strength and prevent or manage osteoporosis. (8)

Credit: Bangkok Click Studio / Shutterstock
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If you have a cardiovascular or metabolic condition that makes it difficult for you to lose weight, walking may help prevent or manage these conditions, which can in turn potentially boost your weight loss efforts.

Accessible Exercise
If you are physically able to walk, walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise you can do. You don’t need a gym, equipment, or any pre-requisite skills, and it’s free. If you’re new to exercise, you can get started with walking immediately. This makes it more feasible to reach your exercise goals and gives you something you can be consistent with.

If you are trying to lose weight and you’re able to work with a certified personal trainer and a registered dietitian, it may be beneficial to learn how to resistance train and eat healthily on a personal level in addition. But if you can’t, walking is still a great and free start.

Helps Maintain Weight Loss
Let’s say you’ve already lost weight and reached your goal — now you probably want to maintain that as best as you can. Keeping walking as part of your daily routine is a great way to maintain your hard work.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that pure weight loss can be attained by reducing your caloric intake. Once you have lost weight and want to maintain it, you won’t be eating at a calorie deficit anymore. Evidence shows a great way to maintain weight loss is to keep engaging in regular physical activity. (9)

Credit: Supavadee butradee / Shutterstock
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The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercise weekly. You can split that up into 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week. (9) This is also the amount of aerobic exercise recommended by the American Heart Association (AHA) to prevent cardiovascular diseases and improve heart health, so it’s a win-win for weight maintenance and overall health. (10)

How To Track Your Steps
Increasing your step count helps you walk more and combat a sedentary lifestyle which is a leading cause of health issues. (11) You can aim to increase your steps both by taking daily walks at a brisk pace...

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